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It is our anniversary today.

Can you believe it? We have made it passed our first year. The first of many.

I have never been more in love. Happier or more at peace. There is not one thing, I would change about my life. I am as happy as can be at work. My husband is amazing in every way. Our families have been more than supportive

My friends, and most importantly my dog, have been the rocks I needed through this time.

The events of last year almost a distant memory.

Emily is still serving time. The drunk driver as well.

I try not to think about them or what they have done. My nights are no longer infested with nightmares. We have moved on. I have made an effort to not let myself be brought down by everything.

It has been a long year.

Overall, I am grateful.

I am grateful for still being here. For still being able to celebrate another milestone with my husband.

Oh Zayn. My heart in human form.

"See you at 7" my husband says through the phone.

We have an evening planned for our anniversary. Well, Zayn has the evening planned. I am just an innocent participant.

He bought me a dress, heels, jewellery, Everything, to ensure I feel beautiful tonight.

And I do.

The dress I am wearing is Red. Definitely his favourite colour. Its slit goes all the way up to my thigh. It hugs my body in the most delicious ways.

I am wearing red bottoms to match. I have worn the earrings he bought me as well as the necklace. I look good, even if I say so myself.

I finish the look with perfume. Zayn's favourite scent.

I hear him enter the house and make his way upstairs to our room.

He walks in with roses in hand.

I internally moan at the sight of him. He is dressed impeccably. His beard is shaved off. His hair combed neatly, with only a tendril hanging on his forehead.

He is dressed in a black suit, black shirt, and a black tie. Black everything. He is as attractive as ever.

"Mrs. Malik. You are a vision." he states.

"Mr. Malik. You're beyond that." He walks towards me with the roses in hand.

"Happy anniversary." He says as he hands me the roses.

"Thank you." I reply. I give him a kiss on the lips, lingering a little longer. "Happy Anniversary honey." I quickly add the flowers to a vase in our room before returning to Zayn, who has been watching me silently.

'Like what you see?" I ask.

"Always." He says huskily. He pulls me towards him to kiss me. He deepens the kiss as his hands tighten around my waist. "You become more beautiful every day." He comments.

He leads me towards the car, where a diver is waiting. He opens the door, waiting for me to enter. He enters after me, and we spend the drive holding onto one another. We do not speak, and I assume we are both thinking of how far we have come, before getting married, as well as during. It has been a rollercoaster. One I would gladly take again.

We arrive at the restaurant, and we are immediately led to a private room. We take our seats and Zayn move close to me. He grabs my hand as he orders a meal for the both of us.

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