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This is my favorite part of sleeping in Zayn's arms. I say arms and not place because he is my home, it wouldn't matter where we were. I wake up with his warmth and scent all around me, then I'd hear his slow steady breaths blow against me. I'd feel his chest slowly rise and fall. Then the best part. I'd look at him, even in my half-awake state, I could appreciate the sheer beauty of this man. His long lashes, his pink lips and his scruffy beard. As if my heart had eyes it would beat faster until the moment those hazel eyes met mine. I would always try to guess what color would stand out the most.

Would it be brown, green or that golden glow? It is a little game I play with myself. Thing is though I am horrible at my own game. His eyes never look like how I imagine them. They look better and somehow it felt like they only got more beautiful each time. He stirs and my heart beats faster. In a few seconds. Three. Two. They open before I get to one and he blinks. His thick lashes moving slowly, as though they weigh on his eyes.

Today I almost had it right. I had guessed a goldish brown. They seem almost completely gold. The sun shines into his room, basking us in its heat. Zayn's eyes sparkle in the light. The rays illuminating the gold speckles around his pupil. His eyes are beautiful. I hold my breath in, as if breathing could destroy their beauty.

"Breath baby." He whispers. I do as he says. He's staring at me. "It's creepy you know."

"What?" I ask once I breath normally. He smiles.

"You staring so much at me." he doesn't look bothered though. He's smiling. "I like it." He says. His eyes roam my features and I wonder if he feels the way I do when our eyes meet. Am I fascinating to him? do I have something he wonders about? I compare myself to him. there's nothing about me. I've got black eyes, only brown when they're in direct sunlight. I'm dark skinned, my body although beautiful, is normal to me. I don't have straight silky hair like his. (It takes effort to have it look like that. My lips are not as thin as his. My nose not so straight and my skin not as perfect. My body is one thing I can say I am sure of, but I doubt that's something to write home about. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy with the way I look, I just wonder. I wonder what he sees.

"I like it too." We both smile. "Morning."

"Morning baby. Sleep well?" I nod and he bends down to kiss me. it's a peck. My eyes are closed long after the kiss has ended and all I want to do is kiss him some more. Reluctantly I get out of the bed and I close the bathroom door behind me. I brush my teeth and I decide to take a shower whilst I'm in there. When I enter the room, Zayn is not there. He's probably downstairs. I get dressed and make my way downstairs. Zayn is watching cartoons. I giggle at that.

"What are you watching?" I sit next to him he pulls me closer and puts his arm around me. I know before he speaks.

"Regular Show." I smile. It's probably my favorite cartoon. If only they would stop repeating the old episodes so much.

"Have you eaten?" I ask him. he shakes his head without removing his eyes from the screen. "what do you want?" he looks down at me. He blinks once. He shakes his head as if to clear his mind.

"Don't worry, I'll go make us breakfast." He kisses my forehead before standing up. I follow him though. he looks distracted.

"What's wrong?"

"Sorry just thinking about work." He's lying.

"You should take a break Zayn. It's Saturday." He smiles but it doesn't quite reach his eyes. I walk up to him and I give him a tight hug. "What do you need help with?"

"Nothing. Just sit there and look pretty while I feed you."

"I think I can do that." I smile. I stand on my toes and touch his lips with mine. I feel him relax, so I deepen the kiss. My tongue makes its way into his mouth and he lets me have control for a while, but it doesn't last. He pushes me against the wall and he's in command. His body is hard against mine and his kiss is rough. He's feverish and I like it. He breaks the kiss and he bites down my neck, on that spot. I moan and everything south heats up. That one spot drives me insane. He knows this, he doesn't look for it anymore, it's like the spot lights up and his mouth immediately finds it. Always. He kisses me again, his tongue plunging into my mouth, immediately moving with my own. This goes on for what feels like an eternity before he bites my bottom lip with his teeth, finally breaking the kiss.

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