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It turns out Zayn called my parents and Mike and they decided to fly over from South Africa. Apparently, everybody thought I was dying. I don't know why since my injuries weren't as extensive. I had gotten scolded for not taking care of myself and being reckless. My mom cried and my dad walked out of the room. Mike stood at the door watching on with concern and Zayn became angry again. All because they thought I had died. Honestly, at times I think we should have a reality show.

I let them have their moment. I was out for two days, I'm sure they had been thinking and expecting the worst. Even I thought, I would be dying. After video calling Mark, Cate and Trevor, since news travels fast, they let me rest till I woke up to go home. I was put under strict house arrest and my family has taken it upon themselves to stay with us and look after me and my dear husband has decided to work from home until I heal.


I really do enjoy having my family here. I really do but they can be overwhelming at times. Zayn especially. I can't even go to the bathroom without him following me. But I take it all with a smile and internal screams.

"At what time do you usually cook?" My mom asks me while we're sitting in the lounge, having a Tyler Perry movie marathon. I look at her and shrug. She gasps and I turn my head to look at her.

"What?" I ask, confused at her reaction.

"Melony please tell me you cook for your husband." Her face becomes serious and I sigh.

"When I can, I do mom."

"What do you mean 'when you can'?" I sigh once again.

"Mom I work till late most times; he does at times too. I don't always get to run home to be the perfect housewife. That's why we have a housekeeper and a cook who take care of things when we are unable to. So I make time to cook on weekends or when I come home at a normal time." I explain. She shakes her head at me.

"I don't understand how your generations works." She says.

"It works for us mom. A marriage is supposed to be 100% each. We meet each other halfway. If he can't do something, I will and vice versa. I will not be doing the whole barefoot and pregnant thing. My job and wellbeing are just as important as his. The standards and expectations for women are way too high. Yes, we are capable and freaking amazing but that doesn't mean we have to kill ourselves in relationships. I can't expect him to do things for me that I cannot do for myself. Same as with him."

"There you go being a feminist again. I'm not saying you must be an 1800's housewife dear I'm just saying take care of your husband."

"I know and I do. You of all people know I don't mind cleaning and cooking. I enjoy taking care of my husband and spoiling him. We both enjoy taking care of each other. What we have going works for us mom and I don't feel the need to change it. We understand that we both have demanding careers, so we do as much as possible but we're only human mom, we need help. But I promise he's well fed and satisfied."

"I hope you know I'm not questioning you, as a woman and wife. I raised you and I know you are a capable young woman." She raises and eyebrow and I feel slightly guilty for my defensive answer, even though I didn't mean for it to come of that way.

"I know mom, I'm just saying." She looks back at the television and sighs.

"Well at least you are not married to this man." She says, referring to the man on A diary of a mad black woman. I laugh and we move on from the previous conversation.

"I would kill Zayn if he were to leave me for a tootsie like that." I scoff.

"Why am I being killed?" Zayn asks from behind me with my brother and father walking alongside him. I am suddenly so thankful for them being here. His parents were here but left as they had urgent business to take care of in London. He sits next to me with a kiss on my cheek.

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