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“But I think I may know who it was.”

Zayn and I stiffen, and he begins to talk again. My heart picks up as I wait to hear who could hate me so much, they probably want me dead. I grip Zayn’s hand in mine, and he kisses the side of my head reassuringly. 

“Okay well you remember the month we outsourced a few psychologists and you guys came to our facility.” I nod with a frown. “A month prior we had fired one of our employees, which is why we had an opening for a new psychologist.” 

“Okay?” I ask confused once again.

“Her name was Emily. She was a good employee, delivered excellent work, her research papers got a lot of recognition, she was on her way to become one of the greatest psychologists. Anyway, we have interns from the University every once in a while, and she had a student working under her, which is normal but we found out that she had slept with the intern which is obviously against our policies, you know the ethical guidelines set by our professional Council. We couldn’t keep her there; it would’ve been wrong and could lead to legal complications we didn’t need. We had kept it under wraps and away from the media and settled it with our lawyers since the boy didn’t want to press charges as the sexual relationship was consensual and he was an adult. We parted ways and the rest was history.” 

“She was fired from the position I’m in now?” He nods and continues with his tale.

“After I found out about the pictures, I had my suspicions. The pictures of me and you having sex looked really familiar to me.” Zayn’s grip on my hand tightens and I shiver when I think about the disaster they could’ve caused in my marriage. “Those pictures looked exactly like the ones of her and the intern. Someone took pictures of them and that’s how we found out. I believe someone photoshopped those pictures into my office with our faces or something. I don’t know how or why but I suspect she’s getting revenge for having been fired.” 

“But why me? Why you?” I ask.

“I was the one who reported the relationship so I’m thinking she wanted to ruin me too. With you, I just think she feels resentment towards you for taking her position.” He further explains.

“Are you sure about this?”

“I’m not entirely sure Mel, but I think I’m onto something. The other day I walked past your office and I saw her coming from that direction and I stopped her obviously. She was wearing clothes that kind of hid her and she looked like she was in a hurry. I asked her what she was doing there, and she stated that she came to sign the last contract and to discuss something with HR. At the time, I didn’t think much of it but now it makes sense.”

“So, you’re telling me it could be her?” I ask.

“Yes, again I’m not entirely sure but I think it’s something to look into.” We all keep quiet as we take in this information. This is not a game and we understand the severity of the situation. Someone can go to jail for this. For attempted murder, stalking and whatever is on the list. Emily might be that person. 

“I honestly don’t know what to say.” I say a bit shaken up.

“Jim, do you mind talking to my security personnel for a second?” Zayn says 

“Of course not.” I stare of into nothing as I try to digest this information. 

This is insane. These are things that only happen in movies and books. Not to me. I’ve always tried to do the right thing, follow the rules, be a good person, give back. I’ve tried to be a good Christian, not only because that is what I’ve thought would make a good person but because I enjoyed it. I enjoyed being a ‘good’ person. Whatever that may be. Foolish of me to think that Fate protects the good.  Foolish of me to think no harm would ever come my way because I was good. In the great scheme of things, it doesn’t work like that. Life is shitty to everyone, I guess. 

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