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"I love you."

"I love you."

My forehead is pressed against his. My eyes are closed, and my hands are holding onto him. I'm not entirely sure who is shaking more between the two of us. The thought alone crushes me. I squeeze my eyes shut as if that would make this any more bearable.

"You guys do know that Mel is just moving, not dying right?" I roll my eyes at her remark.

I know she's also hurt. So, she does what we always do to mask the hurt, we make jokes of the situation. Somehow it doesn't make it seem as real.

I step away from Zayn and I give him a weak smile. I had said my goodbyes and honestly, I won't be able to handle another one. I had cried, hugged, contemplated on staying, just about anything. But here I am still. I'm going to board my flight in about 20 minutes, and I am ready. Sad but ready.

Last call for flight 325...

The speakers announce and once again, I hug everyone for as long as I'm allowed to. I save Zayn for last.

"So, I'll see you next time." I say as he wraps his arms around me.

"Next time baby." We say that because we have no idea how long it might be till next time. He kisses me and I take this opportunity to properly kiss him, my dislike for PDA once again forgotten. My tongue weaves with his and I try to savor every last second of it. he kisses me back and I moan into him.

"I'm going to miss that so much." I say, slightly out of breath. I hug him hard before letting go.

I walk over to my flight, I go through all the formalities and checks and before I know it, I'm in my seat. The flight feels unnaturally short. I fall asleep sometime during the flight and I wake up just as we land. After going through the needed formalities once again, I exit the airport. It's early morning and the wind is chilly, but somehow soothing.

By the time, I'm all packed and settled into my new apartment, I feel as energetic as a sloth. My apartment looks good I think to myself. I quickly clean the apartment and head to take a shower after. The water runs smoothly down my body, easing some of the tension from my muscles. I stay there for about 30 minutes before deciding to step out.

Everything feels so quiet and lonely. I immediately miss everyone back in London. I sigh as I lazily get dressed. I climb into bed, hoping to get some rest but I miss everyone too much already. I pick my phone up and dial Zayn's number.

"Baby." He says. I frown as he sounds out of breath. "how was the flight?"

"It was alright. Just tired now." He hums into the speaker.

"What have you been doing?"

"Just unpacking and cleaning. Somehow the place feels very empty." I sigh.

"Probably because you're used to having Cate or me around." I can practically hear him shrug over the phone.

"I suppose." I sigh once again. "This will be the first time in months, that I sleep without you." I hug myself, taking in the scent if his shirt. It still smells of him.

"Same here." He sighs as well. "are you excited?" I can't help but smile.

"I am. It may not sound like it but I'm really happy at the moment."

"Well, I'm proud of you my baby. You deserve all the great things coming your way." Warmth floods my chest at his praise.

"Thank you." I say shyly. "shit, I forgot about the time difference. Did I wake you?" he chuckles lowly.

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