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A month has passed, and I have finally fallen into a routine. Work has been…work. My caseload has increased dramatically, and research is occupying the free time I have. I work late most nights and it is very evident Zayn is not happy about the situation. On the bright side, I had managed to change my surname, after getting grilled about my citizenship and the reason for my marriage. It was a grueling and tedious task to complete. I want to shoot myself when I think about all the crap I had to deal with at the embassy. So now I’m Mrs. Malik. Officially. 

“Hey, you free for a drink later?” I look up to see Jim looking at me from my door. “It’s been a while.” I had yet to find out why he had been acting strange towards me.

“Sure, after work?” he nods and smiles.

“I’ll meet you outside then we’ll drive together” I nod, and he leaves with the promise of seeing me later.

Me: Baby I’m going out for drinks tonight. No need to fetch me

Hubby: You discussed it with who?

Me: Last minute thing. I really need a breather Zayn

Hubby: Obviously you were telling me instead of asking

Me: So, you control my every move?

Hubby: No. I am your husband. We discuss things, you don’t just decide to spend he night drinking without me.

This man is infuriating.

Me: Okay Zayn. I’m going out for drinks. Are you okay with it, milord?

Hubby: I just want to know where and with who, I need to keep you safe, make sure the security detail is up to date. 

Me: Wait a minute…I have guards following me? 

I really can’t be dumb enough to not have realized people watching my every move. Where are they? Where do they sit all day? I groan. This is totally unnecessary. Why would someone hurt me? Would they abduct me for free therapy sessions? I roll my eyes. Zayn is very successful, I’m sure he has made some enemies along the way, that could probably come back to bite me and Zayn in the ass. I guess its understandable. It doesn’t make it less annoying though. 

Hubby: You have people protecting you. You’re my wife. Did you expect anything less?

Me: Not really but I would’ve liked to know though

Hubby: I’m in a meeting. We’ll talk about it later. You should be safe tonight. Keep your phone with you and keep me updated. ALL THE TIME.

Hubby: Who are you going with? Where?

Me: Alright baby. Only because you asked me so nicely.

Me: With Jim, but I’m sure your sneaky guards would have told you. A Bar down the street, Mystics, I think. 

Hubby: You deserve a good spanking. Maybe a hard fuck for the little attitude you’re having now. 

Me: Was your goal to turn me on? Cause you succeeded. 

        Can I expect that punishment when I come home tonight?

Hubby: Only if you’re a good girl for me… PS. You are not supposed to enjoy the punishment. Dirty little thing you are. I aught to not touch you for a month. 

I am convinced he would crack in an hour and beg me to sleep with him. He’s a man obsessed. Then again, I’m not any better. 

Me: hm, that would be intolerable, but I guess I can always find a lover at the bar to fulfil my unmet needs… 

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