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“No.” I mumble into Zayn’s chest as he tries to move.

“Love, I need to use the bathroom.” In my sleepy state, I swoon at the endearment term. His accent is thick and heavy. His morning voice sends delicious shivers down my body. I move my body from his and I immediately miss the warmth he provided.

“Hurry up.” I say sleepily, wanting to be in his arms as soon as possible.

I don’t know when I fell asleep again, but I wake up to sweet kisses being placed al over my face. He places another kiss on my lips. I shift, still trying to properly wake up. I’m about to tell him, that I want to brush my teeth before he attacks me, but he takes that as an opportunity to plunge his tongue into my mouth. His mouth tastes minty and fresh. He climbs on top of me as he kisses me deeply. His hand grips my hair, ensuring that I don’t move away. He bites onto my lip before releasing me. I blink a few times trying to catch up to what just happened.

“Morning love.” He groans before kissing me wildly again.

“Well damn.” I say. “That is one way to say good morning, I guess.” He moves from above me and I stand up, still a little dizzy, either from sleep or the kiss. I go to the bathroom to freshen up and I decide on showering while I’m there.

I walk out of the bathroom into my room in my wet hair and towel. I see Zayn laying on the bed, typing furiously on his phone with a scowl on his face.

“You okay?” I ask. His eyes quickly shoot up to mine and he straightens himself. He gives me a nervous look before nodding.


“Are you sure that you’re okay. You look a little nervous there.”

“No, I’m okay.” suddenly he’s back to the normal in-control Zayn Malik. I decide on dropping the subject. He stands up and walks to me. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me towards him. He moans as he kisses me again.

“So where are we going for our date?” I ask once we’ve pulled away.

“How about we go eat something, then you can show me around for a little. How about that?” he asks.

“No fancy dinners and occasions. I like that Mr. Malik.” He nods.

“I’m going to shower. Dress comfortably, then we’ll head out as soon as I’m done.”

“Okay.” I say, walking to my closet.

What to wear?

I tap my lips as I think of an outfit. I want to look cute for Zayn and our date, but I don’t want to be over dressed or underdressed. I sigh in frustration as I look at my dresses. Definitely no dress today. I decide on wearing my black skinny jeans, with my black Louis Vuitton ankle boot heels. My jeans hug my lower body so tight, it shows off my curves and my ass extremely well. I choose a beautiful top to go with it. I take a black sleek black jacket to throw on top, though I don’t wear it yet.

Just as I’m making up the bed Zayn walks out in nothing but his towel. He smiles as he looks down at my bended form.

“That’s a great position.” He walks up to me and suddenly slaps my ass before grabbing my waist and thrusting his hips into mine. I gasp at his actions. “Mine.” He says before pulling me against him. he hums in my ear.

What is up with him today?

“You look beautiful as always baby.” The smell of his body wash intoxicates me as I breathe him in. I suddenly feel the butterflies in my stomach at his praise.

“Melony, I love that you still get shy around me.” he says, reading me so well.  I chuckle as I calm myself down. Man, I want to jump his bones.

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