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I smile as I think of my weekend. Zayn and I had spent the weekend indoors, cuddling and making love. I can't help but appreciate how we have grown. If this was the old us, we would've looked for an escape in every fight and every argument. I would've let my guard up and Zayn would've avoided me with the excuse "I'm doing us both a favor" but now we talk, we might be a little dramatic at first, but we always look at the bigger picture. We understand each other now and I'm grateful.

"What are you smiling about?" Shani asks.

I met Shani, funny enough, in a restaurant bathroom. We had both drank a considerable number of cocktails and had proceeded to compliment one another on our outfits and beauty - out of this world. Coincidentally, we work at the same company. It wasn't just my tipsy state complimenting Shani. Shani is a beautiful African American woman with light skin, long straight hair and beautiful light brown eyes. Our bodies are similar, slim with C-Cup breasts and enough ass to turn your heard. She truly is a sight.

"My husband." I tell her as we walk to the cafeteria together.

"That fine-ass Greek-god you call your husband." She sighs dreamily. "Does he have a brother maybe?" I chuckle at that.

"No, but he does have some pretty hot cousins, I'm not going to lie." She flicks her hair to her shoulder and looks at me.

"And you never thought to hook me up?" we finally find a seat and start eating.

"I couldn't even hook myself up. Besides the hot ones live back in London." She rolls her eyes and I smile. "But I'll invite you when we have dinners at our house, some of his business partners are really attractive. You can play around then." She winks and we proceed to talk about our weekend and plans for the week.

"So has Jim said anything yet?" I sigh and shake my head.

"No, I understand though. I just miss him. He was the first person to help me settle in and has been there not only as a supervisor but as a friend as well."

Shani had found it weird that Jim and I seemed to be avoiding each other. Everyone was already used to seeing us together. Needing someone else to talk to about the issue, I told her very shortly that feelings got involved and the friendship needed a break.

"These crushes never last too long. Just give him space and before you know it, your friendship will be back to normal." I nod in agreement. "What does Zayn say?" I snort.

"He would lose it. He would probably demand I be moved to another department or that I never talk to Jim again." I laugh. "I would understand but Jim has been considerate and respectful throughout everything. He didn't do anything wrong. I don't want to lose the friendship because of feelings no one could ever control." She nods.

"Is he the possessive type?" She asks curiously. I smirk at the question.

"Yeah." If only she knew. "I feel it has gotten worse since we've been married. I'm certain the man wants to brand me. it's not overbearing or scary in anyway, but he is ensuring I know who I belong to every single chance he gets"

"That is so hot." Shani says.

"Right!" I laugh as I shake my head. "I thought I was going crazy." I say.

"I don't care what people say. A man who is proud to have you and has no problem proving that, will always remain attractive. I want my man to be protective and possessive. I want that heat in a relationship." Shani argues.

"I agree 110%. The man really knows how to control what is his." I say.

"You wouldn't say. He looks so quiet and soft." I can't help but snort once again.

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