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I wake up in a strange bed, by the size and comfort, or rather lack thereof, I can tell I'm in a hospital. I open my eyes slowly and I'm proven correctly. My hand feels sweaty and warm compared to the rest of my body. I look to see Zayn holding my hand tightly while his leg is bouncing up and down. His eyes are looking down at our hands, but I am almost certain he is not seeing them. He is still dressed in the outfit I picked out this morning. His hair is messy, and he genuinely looks tired.

"Wha - "I don't get to finish my sentence as I swallow the nonexistent saliva in my dry mouth. I cough and Zayn jumps up so quickly, I'm afraid he hurt himself. He moves hastily to the bedside table to get me water. I finish the glass all at once. Appreciating the cooling effect, it has on my throat. He takes the glass from me before placing it on the table once again. He immediately pulls me in to a hug.

"Fuck Melony." He breathes into my hair. "Just fucking hell!" if I wasn't so tired, I would probably laugh. "You scared me." he says.

"What happened?" I ask, watching as he pulls away. He presses a button somewhere and a nurse comes running in a few seconds later.

"Get Dr. Green." He asks, looking my way again. "How are you feeling?"

"Fine, I guess." I answer as I try to piece together how I landed here. I'm about to ask what happened when a woman dressed in a white lab coat enters. She's smiling wildly and she somehow reminds me of Arizona in Grey's Anatomy, only she is tan, with brown eyes and brown hair.

"Good afternoon Mrs. Malik. I'm Kelly and I'll be your doctor. First off, how are you feeling?'" she asks.
Kelly? This is Grey's Anatomy gold.

Arizona's Personality in Kelly's body.

"Let me guess, you're now thinking of the irony of my name and me being a doctor?" She asks with a smile and a raised eyebrow.

"A little bit." I say with smile on my own. "But I'm feeling fine just a little tired." I say.

"I can imagine." She nods before looking away from what I assume is my personal information on her iPad. "Well Mrs. Malik to sum up, you fainted because of exhaustion, stress and lack of nutrients. When was the last time you ate?" She asks and I think back.

"Probably two day ago." I shrug, I wasn't aware that I had gone that long without eating. I look at Zayn and he shoots me a death glare. I give him a crooked smile before looking back at the doctor.

"You body shows extreme signs of stress and fatigue, coupled with not eating correctly. That caused your body to collapse. You need to lesson the stressors in your life and ensure that you eat healthy foods." I nod and sigh.
It could've been worse.

"Are you sure?" Zayn speaks for the first time since the doctor has been here. "Are the tests back yet?" He asks again.

"What tests?" I ask, causing both of them to look at me.

"Well Mr. Malik requested that we take all the tests possible to ensure your health. We sent your blood to the lab. They are running tests on it, to certify that we haven't missed anything. Those are not back yet, but I will call you as soon as I have the results.

"Ok." I say. I don't know how to feel about them taking my blood from my unconscious body and running tests on it. I understand Zayn was probably worried and went into his overprotective mode again. If Zayn was in the same position, I would probably order his doctors to do and take whatever test they can. The thought dissipates my discomfort almost immediately.

"Good news is that you may go home today but I would advice you not to go to work or do any strenuous activities for the next two to three days." I want to toll my eyes, but I nod once again.

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