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"Javaad! Do not run close to the pool." I say for the 100th time to our 5-year-old.

"He doesn't really listen, does he?" Zayn chuckles.

"He really doesn't" I say. "Miss. Zera here is not helping with her Terrible two's"

I watch my daughter as she walks around grabbing everything her little hands can manage. She giggles as I give her a stern look.

Her dad picks her up and she giggles further.

"Daddy." she screams as he swings her in his arms.

Zayn looks completely happy. He has been such an incredible father. He took on the role so naturally. His eyes shine so brightly when it comes to our children.

I am a 100 percent sure; he loves those kids more than anything, including himself.

I understand because I feel the same.

He has ensured that these two little angels want for nothing. He is so prepared.

I do not know what I would do without him. Their college funds are already set up - and I mean complete. He has taken every step to ensure their futures get to be bright.

I keep watch over Javaad and I can't help but smile. My beautiful baby boy.

My first child. He is as handsome as his father. He is about two shades darker than his father. His eyes are a beautiful green colour.

His grandparent's genes helped him out there. His curls hang in front of his eyes. His curls are a beautiful black colour.

He is my prince.

And Zera, a princess without doubt. She has her father's eyes. They are just a lighter brown. They almost look gold.

She is much closer to his skin tone. Her hair is silky. The curls run down her back in beautiful locks

She looks more like Zayn, without a doubt.

I caried these kids, and you can hardly tell I am the mother.

My family is beautiful. I could never ask for more.

After our day in the sun, we eat and start the lengthy process of getting them bathed and into bed. We each pick a child to read a story to before bedtime.

Zayn heads to Zera's room to read her a story as I pack away a few things.

"Princess daddy." I hear Zera say. The S, not coming out the way she intends. She always asks for this story, and I never know what she is talking about.

I pause outside her room as I listen to Zayn reading her a story.

"Once upon a time, there was a princess and a prince. The princess lived in a faraway land, but she moved to the prince's kingdom.

The prince and princess met. But before that, he watched as the princess walked, talked, and laughed.

The prince thought to himself - "What a Beautiful princess."

The princess became friends with the prince's sister, and thus they met again.

The princess did not know that the prince was in love with her.

He had looked for the princess all over, he wanted to know everything about her.

What the prince did not know is that the Princess was also in love with him.

But the prince was very stupid and asked the princess to be friends instead.

The prince was very unhappy after that. He could not stop thinking about his princess.

He wanted only her. In all the Kingdoms.

In all the world, she was his princess.

His one and only."

I peek into the room and see Zera watching her father with utmost concentration. Her eyes are wide, and her smile will not leave her face.

"After losing his mind to madness from not having the princess, he asked her out. She said yes. It was the happiest the prince had ever been. He had found the love of his life. His forever.

But then the princess had to move again, to another kingdom." before he could finish Zera interrupted him.

"Nooo." She looked genuinely sad, and my heart gets stuck in my throat from the pure love I was feeling.

"That's what the prince said" he says with a look of disbelief. "But the prince was too in love to let her go. You know what he did?" he asks her. She shakes her head excitedly. "He asked her to marry him."

Zera gasps with her hand front of her mouth and looks astounded at her father.

"She said yes." Zera squeals and bounces on the bed. "They had a beautiful wedding and moved into their own castle.

They lived happily ever after. Oh, and they had two children, do you know what their names were?" he asks with a lifted eyebrow?

"'Zela' and Javvad" she says excitedly in her baby voice.

"Exactly, their names were Zera and Javaad." He pokes her nose, and she giggles. "Just like your names"

I swoon at the story, my husband and daughter. Everyday my love grows to new extremes.

Our story makes me smile when I look back at it. Man were we stupid. I shudder at the thought of anyone else standing where I am. Or someone else sitting where Zayn is seated. I thank God every day for this man and my children. They have become my reason for existing

I walk away softly to Javaad's room. He smiles as he sees me enter. How can I love something so much? A question I ask myself continuously when I look at my family.

We finish our bedtime stories with the kids before heading to bed ourselves.

Zayn hugs me from behind as he laces his arms around my stomach. He kisses my neck and I feel him smile against my skin.

"I love you." He speaks. I statement I have never doubted.

"I love you." I speak.

"And I love you too baby." He says as he rubs my flat stomach, the baby bump not showing yet.

"This is the last one Malik." I tell him sternly. Being pregnant is not easy, let me tell you.

I groan at the thought of the morning sickness, the bloating, weight gain, discomfort, hormones, and cravings. However, I know all that disappears once I hold my baby in my arms.

"I can't make any promises Wife." He turns me around to face him, and he pulls me against him. "Thank you for making me the happiest man on this planet." I lean up to kiss him sweetly. "You and the kids have made my life complete. I am beyond grateful for you."

"And I for you Zayn. You are my lifeline. My heart. You gave me you, and these beautiful kids. You have given me the greatest gifts life can offer." I hug him tightly as he starts swaying with me in his arms.

"You are my heart. I can't wait to spend the rest of eternity with you."

"Always and forever."

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