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We arrive at the restaurant and I take a moment to admire the gold and brown theme. The are only a few tables in the room, making it feel more intimate and cozier. A man dressed in a beautiful suit leads us to a table at the back, situated in front of a big window, showing the stars blanketed by the dark sky outside. We take our seats and I focus on the classical music flowing through the room.

"This place is beautiful Zayn. Thank you." I tell him once the waiter has introduced himself and left to get the wine Zayn ordered.

"I'm glad you like it." The waiter brings the wine, before taking our order and leaving. We fall into an easy conversation about what we are going to do while we're on vacation. We talk for what seems like ages, hardly noticing the food arriving or any of the guests.

"You know I can't believe I almost missed this." I tell Zayn and he furrows his eyebrows. "I was so adamant on finding fault with you and pushing you away. I almost walked away from the love of my life." He gives me a sad smile and I chuckle. "From the Connie fiasco, till your parents. I was so insecure and stupid. I can't help but laugh at how I acted. I'm sorry." I tell him with an apologetic smile.

I shudder when I think of us sitting here with different people. It causes my organs to protest and my heart to threaten me with an attack on itself.

"Baby, you had your walls up, I understand that you didn't want to get hurt. That was your way of protecting your heart. I made my fair share of mistakes. I also pushed you away. For some reason thinking I was saving us both from heartbreak." He shakes his head with his own chuckle "we were stupid back then Mel. We thought we knew better. I guess we knew nothing." I can't help but smile.

"You knew nothing Jon Snow." I say before I can think it through. There's an awkward silence where he purses his lips and looks at me with a straight face. "Oh my word! I'm so sorry." I say laughing at my own joke. He laughs with me and shakes his head. He looks at me like I'm the funniest person alive and I can't help but feel lucky at how easy it is for him to get me.

"Really, a Game of Thrones reference?" he chuckles and smiles at me stupidly. "I love your awkwardness so much." He tells me. I apologize for the laziest joke ever uttered before smiling at him.

"Back to us being stupid." He nods before taking a sip of his wine. "And that was what, a year back?" I shake my head in amusement. He takes my hand and holds it softly in his.

"I'm glad we came to our senses." He strokes his thumb over my hand warmth spreads though my body from his touch and look of admiration.

"Me too. Who knows where we could've been right now? I'd maybe be married with Trevor and..." I look up to see Zayn scowling. His hand tightens on my hand and I pull a wincing face "Too soon?"

"I fucking dare you to ever say that again." he grumbles, and I laugh. He makes this too easy.

"Mm." I hum lowly while taking a sip of my wine. It's starting to me feel giddy and warm. I'm tipsy. "You're the only one for me Mr. Malik." I lean up to kiss him softly before sitting back down. He groans lowly as he places kisses on my hand.

"I can't wait to rip off every piece of clothing you have on." He speaks softly, watching my reaction.

"Lucky for you, I'm only wearing this dress." My voice is low and velvety as the words leave my mouth. I know myself, I am not the kind of women who could pull this off, I'm not the type of women to leave the house without any underwear. I'm an overthinker. I imagine 50 different scenarios where my clothes tear, and accident happens or the wind blowing way too strong, leaving my privates on display for strangers or teenagers with phones. But there is just something about this man, compelling me to be daring and to keep him captivated. He just drives me insane. In a good way. In a very good way.

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