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 We had landed a while ago and just got to the beach resort. Zayn had taken us to Bora Bora Nui. Walking to the check in office was a dream on its own. The sky is a dashing blue, with the water being the most tantalizing color I have ever seen. The air feels clean and fresh. I breathe in the wonderful smell that envelopes the place.

"Baby, go check in while I get our bags." Zayn says to me before kissing my forehead and heading back.

I walk into the lobby and see a woman sitting at a beautiful glass desk. I walk towards her and she looks up at my arrival.

"Hi, how are you?" I ask her politely. She smiles but I can see it's a fake smile. Her lip quivers at the side and I want to laugh at her lame attempt at being polite.

"Yes, how may I help you?" she asks.

"I just want to check in. Under Malik." Her fake smile thins, and she narrows her eyes at me.

"Are you sure you don't have the wrong resort ma'am. I don't think you have booked here." I squint my eyes.

Here we go again.

"Did you check?" I ask condescendingly.

"I don't need to ma'am. I am sure that booking is for someone of a different...race." She says with her sickeningly sweet smile. I close my eyes briefly trying to calm myself down. I do not want to go to jail on the first day of my honeymoon.

"I am sure, if you check, you'll find it."

"I can direct you to other options perhaps. Options that would suit you better."

"Are you sure about that?" MY blood is boiling, and I have lost all pretense of patients and peace. She clears her throat before picking up her phone and talking to who I assume is her manager.

Just as she puts the phone down, I hear someone walk behind me.

"What's going on?" Zayn asks as he walks towards the desk.

"Nothing sir, how may I help you?" she flashes him a real smile and I can't help but chuckle, although I find none of this funny. Zayn gives me a look but before he can speak, he is interrupted by the presence of a woman in a suit. She looks very professional and quite ready to deal with this nonsense.

"Is there a problem here?" she asks with a smile. She has striking blue eyes and blond hair that sways freely in a ponytail.

"Yes, your receptionist here refuses to check me in because this resort, does not suit me, according to her." I say in a calm voice. Zayn suddenly shifts next to me. "Yes, because I'm black, isn't it?" I look towards the manager and I know she can see the wrath behind my eyes.

"Excuse me?" Zayn's voice booms throughout the room. "You said that to my wife?" Both the manger and the receptionist have the audacity to look shocked.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't know. I though because..." Zayn shuts her up with a menacing look.

"Because she is black, she couldn't possibly be my wife or afford this?" I have never seen Zayn this angry and it makes me so glad that I'm not on the receiving end.

"Mr. Malik, I assure you, I had no knowledge of this. I know how much you planned to make this special for your wife. I apologize on behalf of my employee. I will ensure that this never happens again." The manager looks apologetic and ashamed.

"It won't. You're right, because you are going to fire this incompetent bigot or so help me god, I will ruin all of you. You understand me?" Zayn threatens in a low officious voice. I see both ladies flush red and Zayn continues. "Now if you would check us in, I would appreciate that. If my wife complains about one little thing, I will make sure this business is closed down faster than you can blink."

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