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I wake up on Saturday morning to see my two babies asleep next to me. Zayn is laying on his back while Gray is snuggled on his chest. This dog took my place huh? I take my phone and snap a few pictures before posting them on Instagram. Not that Zayn would know, because he posts once in a blue moon. Sometimes I wonder why he even has social media accounts. Then again, I'm not much better. This is probably the first post in a year, excluding stories of course.

I wake up and walk downstairs. The house is impeccably clean as always. I move to the kitchen and start breakfast. I dish up the food in separate bowls and wash the dishes and pots I used. I walk up to the room to freshen up before walking to a still sleeping Zayn. Gray snaps his eyes open as I walk closer, he yelps, and his tail starts wagging back and forth. I smile while I crawl up to straddle Zayn. I trail kisses along his jaw and neck before connecting my lips with his.

"Baby," I whisper against his lips and he shifts underneath me. He wraps his arms around me and quickly turns us around so he's on top of me. "Morning husband." I smile up at his squinting eyes.

"Morning wife." He groans and kisses me softly on the lips. He slips his tongue onto my mouth and his hand slowly trails up my thighs. "I can never get enough of you." He kisses me again and I wrap my legs around his waist.

I feel another tongue licking my face and giggle as Gray forces himself between us. He jumps with his front paws on our faces and growls sweetly at us. He goes back to licking our faces as his tail continues to wag.

"I'm so sorry baby. You are not old enough to see that." I tell him. Zayn moves off me and I pick up Gray. I give him multiple kisses on his face, and he looks like the happiest puppy in this world. He bites my nose, causing me to laugh. "Don't worry, you are still my number one man." I whisper to him.

"I heard that Melony." Zayn says next to me. I shrug.

"You're my number one human." I tell him. He rolls his eyes but leans in to kiss me softly. I pick up Gray and stand up. If I continue to sit here, I won't ever leave this room. "I made breakfast baby. I'm going to take Gray outside, then feed him. I'll meet you downstairs." He grunts but stands up nonetheless.

After taking Gray outside to do his business. I give him his food. I wash my hands and face once again before joining Zayn at the table. He is looking own at his phone but looks up at me as I sit down.

"No phones at the table Malik." He shakes his head at me.

"I'm looking at the picture you posted." He says.

"It's cute right?" I smile at him.

"It's been less than an hour and it's already people's icons and profile pictures." He shakes his head and I raise my eyebrow.

"Yeah well, the hottest man alive and the cutest puppy in one picture, I'm not surprised." He winks and looks down at his phone again.

"You got competition baby." He says with a smirk.

"With what?" I get some fruit and yogurt for myself and sit down once again. I get Zayn some eggs, bacon, and toast and place it before him. He kisses my cheek as a thank you.

"I got thousands of marriage proposals in my DM's already." I'm not surprised. It always happens.

"See someone you like?" I ask nonchalantly

"Meh. I'm not looking right now." He says with a shrug.

"Bad breakup?" I ask and he sighs.

"I'm still stuck up on someone." He says. I nod as I chew on a pineapple.

"You're preaching to the choir." I sate.

"You too?"

"Yeah. My husband."

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