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You'd be surprised how quickly two months pass when you're planning a wedding. Zayn moved in yesterday and we're already on our way to South Africa for the lobola negotiations.

I had called my parents and my brother the next morning and they were ecstatic. Even though they promised to make Zayn prove that he is worthy of their little girl. I had decided not to tell him that. After that, I had called everyone back in London, Cate being the first. I have never seen people so excited for a wedding. We broke the news to Zayn's family, and it surprisingly went well. It was all moving so fast, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

Since Lobola negotiations take two to three days, we have decided to start on the Thursday so we can fly back the Friday Night and have the white wedding on the Sunday. I just know I'm going to pass out from exhaustion after the wedding. The invitations have all been sent and we opted for a 150 guest. Not too big but not too small either. I get nervous as the days fly by.

I'll be married in a few days!


It's Tuesday and we're currently in Zayn's private plane with his parents, sister and a few close family members who will be attending the negotiations. Zayn sees my stress and grabs my hand. I breathe in and slowly exhale as I try to calm myself down. I'm a mixture of stress and excitement.

"You do realize that after paying lobola, we'll be married traditionally right.?" He chuckles.

"That's the whole point baby." He kisses my ring and smiles. "Always the overthinker. Relax Melony. I'll be with you every step of the way." It's surprising how this man can calm me down so easily.

We finally land in SA and my heart wants to burst from the familiar soil. My roots. My history is all here. I only realize now, how much I missed my first home. I take in the smell and I feel very home-sick, even though I'm home. We walk into the airport and instantly see my parents. I run up to them and Zayn walks leisurely towards them. They grip me in tight hugs and my brother joins into the hug.

I find myself crying because I have missed them so much. My mom starts crying as well and we embrace each other once again. Zayn steps up and we all turn to him. My parents have seen Zayn's pictures and we've video-called them a few times, so they're familiar with Zayn.

"Mom, dad, Mike, Meet my fiance Zayn. Zayn meet my Parents, Elijah and Siyanda and my brother Mike." The all hug and smile at each another.

"Nice to formally meet you all." I know my parents disapprove of Zayn's tattoos and he has gotten more, so I'm sure my parents are having silent heart attacks as they see most of his body littered in tattoos. Thankfully they don't mention it. Soon Zayn introduces his parents and other family members to mine, and we head to the hotel for dinner, where they'll be sleeping. As per custom, I can't see Zayn the night before so they will be sleeping at the hotel and I will be sleeping at my parents' house. We say our goodnights before separating.

Once we get home, the preparations for Thursday and Friday starts. Our house is of full of family members running around, cleaning, cooking, setting up tents and I don't know what else. I greet everyone and try to talk to them for a while but my exhaustion kicks in heavy. I excuse myself to go to bed, eager for Thursday to come.


The day begins and we start with the proceedings. Zayn, along with his family meet my elders and discuss the further proceedings and the price for the lobola.

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