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"Melony Reed, Will you marry me?"

I wait for my heart to constrict in fear like it always does when I must make a life-altering decision. I wait for my hands to shake. I wait for my heart to scream at me that this not what should be happening. I shouldn't be allowing someone to get his close. I love him and I can hardly love him anymore. I wait for the doubts and the conviction that I'm going to lose this man if I let him in. I wait for the feeling, the feeling where it feels like I'm sinking into quicksand, like I'm suffocating.

I wait.

It doesn't come.

My heart swells instead. The feeling oozes into every bone and I know he is it for me. I look at the love of my life and wonder if it's a rhetorical question. How could I ever say no? The tears have stopped and I'm pretty sure all my organs have stopped working for a while and my entire being is forcing me to focus on nothing but this moment. The blood pumping through my veins doesn't seem to matter, every nerve, every cell, every damn function that keeps me alive, seems to know what actually keeps me alive.

That person is staring right at me. looking at me as if I could give him all the answers, as if I'm the link to his soul. God, I hope it's true. Because he's more than just my link.

I stare at him one more time, looking for the genuineness in his proposal. Everything is telling me yes. Everything in me and everything in him.

"Yes." I whisper through my tears, which have once again started rolling down my cheeks. His face lights up and he graces me with the widest most beautiful smile I have ever seen on a person.

"Yes?" he whispers back in excitement.

"A hundred times yes Zayn."

Before I know it, Zayn is kissing me with purpose and determination. He pulls away and looks at me in wonder. He grabs my shaking hand and puts the ring on my finger.

"So, you're going to marry me?" I nod and he hugs me tightly. "Thank fuck!" I giggle and hold him tightly against me.

Our bubble is popped when I hear cheering below us. We look down and I see a crowd clapping and taking pictures or videos. I look around and see a man who looks like a photographer and I look to Zayn who's watching me with a smile.

"You planned all of this?"

"The ride and the photographer yes." He looks a little shy and I can't help but kiss him again.

I'm in a state of bliss. I don't know how to explain it. I don't know how to thank Zayn for picking me. So, I lay my head on his shoulder as the wheel spins us towards the ground. Once we climb off the ride, people congratulate us and I thank them, way too happy to say anything else. The photographer takes a few more pictures and soon we're taking an uber to the car so we can go back home.

Zayn holds my hands and I'm aware that my smile has never left my face since the proposal. We finally get to the apartment and I open the door but stop in my tracks at the sight in front of me.

The lights are all off, but the apartment is decorated with candles everywhere leaving it in a soft romantic light. There are rose petals littered on the floor. I follow the trail of the roses and they lead to the dining area where the table is decorated with candles, dinner is set up with a bottle of wine and a huge bunch of black roses. My favorite.

"Go ahead." He whispers from right behind me. I walk to the roses and see a card stuck between them. With shaky hands, I open the card and read it.

I can't believe you said yes!

You are going to be my wife. The mother of my children. My soul-mate.

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