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One month.

It has been one month since I moved to LA. Which means it has also been one month since I've seen Zayn, Cate, Mark or any of my friends really.

I've made new friends. I've been trying to make the most out of the move, but I can't help but miss my people back in London. I'm still getting used to this place and I've found that I kind of like it, Especially the weather. I guess the people aren't too bad either.

I'm once again lost in my thoughts of Zayn as I walk to Jim's office, who is my supervisor, for now. I knock and he tells me to enter.

"Hey, I got the report." I lift it a bit so he can see what I'm referring to.

"Thank you." he smiles as stands up to fetch the report.

"You good?" I ask. He has taken off his jacket and tie and his top buttons are open. I don't miss the fact that his muscles are bulging against his shirt. His eyes look tired and heavy. I offer him a sympathetic smile.

"I'm really exhausted Melony." He replies before rubbing his hands down his face.

"I'm not sure whether you need sleep, alcohol or a hug."

"I need all that, and then some." He replies with an eye roll. I laugh slightly.

"Well, I'm heading home, I'll see you tomorrow then?"

"I want to call it a night, you up for a drink?" I shrug.

"I guess one couldn't hurt. Let me fetch my stuff from my office then I'll meet you at the door in a few." I collect my stuff and find Jim waiting at the door. We walk to our cars before driving to a nearby bar. We choose a table before starting with an order of shots. Jim thought we should start with tequila shots. I internally face palm myself. Tomorrow is going to be a long day.

We start with small talk, ranging from the weather to our job and colleagues. Before I know it, we're laughing from the top of our lungs, I've lost count of how many drinks we've had so far.

"She did not do that." I exclaim before throwing my head back in laughter.

"I swear. She painted penises on every surface of my house, from my bathroom to my kitchen. Plates and everything." I continue to laugh as he shakes his head in embarrassment. "So, what about you?"

"I must say, I'm one of the lucky ones. I don't have any crazy exes" I shrug while thinking back to my previous relationships. "The worst I've received is constant texts from an ex who couldn't move on." I shrug and he pulls a face.

"What?" I ask.

"You know what that means right?" His eyes have a mischievous glint and I smile at him.

"What does it mean?"

"It means you're the crazy one in your relationships." He gives me an apologetic smile and I can't help but laugh further.

"Might be, who knows." He laughs lightly before changing the topic.

"So, how is LA treating you so far?"

"Good for the most part. I just get really homesick at times." I feel my heart tug and I almost clutch my chest from the pain that threatens to shoot through me.

"I can imagine." I nod and I think he sees the sadness in me because he changes the subject.

"Well, nothing tequila can't fix." I absentmindedly play with my ring as Jim gets us more shots. He comes back and we continue with the night, we laugh the whole night through and I silently thank Jim because I needed this too.

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