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This time when I wake up, my eyes cooperate. I open my eyes slowly. I look around to see Zayn sitting in the chair beside the bed. His head is bowed and he’s once again holding my hand in his grasp. I look around to see another bed in the room. It is obvious someone has been sleeping on it, but it is currently empty. The bed looks strange in this room. I know this a private room, having a second bed in here is strange. Not that I care about furniture placements at this moment.

I’m awake. Thank you, God. 

I blink slowly, letting my eyes adjust to the bright lighting inside the room. I’m guessing it’s in the morning. 

“Hey.” I croak out. I cough violently as my dry throat and mouth itch uncomfortably. Zayn jumps up again and it’s comical. I can’t help the smile forming on my face. I gulp down the water he has given me, asking for a second helping. Nurses soon flood my room followed by Dr. Kelly once again. She sighs when she sees me. She looks relieved. We smile at each other and Zayn refuses to leave my side as they check my body. He looks so tired and dejected.

“Mrs. Malik. You came back the same day I allowed you leave; you must really like me.” She jokes. I laugh lightly but Zayn shoots her a glare. Okay.

“Must be.” I say. My voice sounds scratchy and painful, even to my ears. “How long was I out this time?” I ask, ignoring the burning in my throat. It’s as if I had been screaming at the top of my lungs for hours.

“Three days, it was mostly due to the medication we gave you. I’ll need you to answer a few questions for me first okay?” I nod and she moves forwards to check my irises, mouth and whatever else it is they check. “First can you start of by telling me who you are.”

“Melony Reed.” The room stills and I look around at the strange expressions on their faces. Oh yeah. “Malik. Sorry, I meant Melony Malik.” I clear my throat and shift my eyes to a frowning Zayn. “I’m in here because I was in a car accident after leaving the pharmacy. I don’t know much after that.” I tell her. She nods and mumbles as she writes something down. 

“Good. To recap in very simple terms. You were in a car accident. Hit and run. The injuries you sustained weren’t life-threatening but pretty strenuous on your body. Luckily you had a seatbelt on, and the air bags cushioned the impact. Your body did however go into shock, for lack of a better word. Your muscles had tightened and knotted themselves to protect your organs from extensive damage. We put you under a drip to loosen your muscles so they could relax. You bruised a few ribs, and other parts of your body. Nothing that won’t go away in a few days or weeks. You also sustained some minor cuts from the glass, we have treated them, and they should be healing without the scarring. Luckily nothing was broken or damaged beyond repair. You are a very lucky woman Mrs. Malik. From the images of the wreck I’m surprised you made it out like this.” I nod. I know. 

“The other driver?” I ask. 

“Unfortunately, they left the scene and cannot be found but the police are on that. I’m sure they will be communicating with you soon.” I nod and she looks down at the iPad. “You will need at least 2 weeks to heal properly. You can resume work in the second week, should the healing process speed up. No strenuous activities, please eat and stay in bed. You will have to stretch your legs and muscles everyday but that can be done in the comfort of your own home. Please do not drive, gym, cook or do anything that could be hazardous. Your muscles are still recovering and the medication my cause you to experience disorientation, delayed responses and lethargy. Take it easy for three weeks. The rest will heal as time goes. Right now, you might experience some dizziness and disorientation, it’s normal as the medication is still working through your system.  Any questions?”

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