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"What is what?" I ask confused.

"Why don't you tell me?" he asks menacingly. I take the pictures from his hands and frown as I see the contents. I look up at him and see his eyes still trained on me. His eyes are dark with fury and his body is stiff with tension. I see the white piece of paper and my heart beats faster as I see the now familiar handwriting.

Mr. Malik,

Looks like you are not the only one your wife is entertaining.

Don't think that's the end of it. She might not be the perfect wife after all.

Do you believe her when she says they are just friends?

Look at the pictures and answer yourself.

Till next time.

The first picture is of me and Jim laughing and having a drink. The second one Jim has moved closer and it seems as though we're laughing together and smiling at one another. In the third picture he is staring into my eyes with a look I can't describe, his hand is on my face and our faces are extremely close to one another's. These are from last week. I sigh and utter the most common sentence ever.

"It's not what it looks like." I tell Zayn. His eyes blaze and he chuckles.

"What the fuck does it look like, explain that first." He says in a calm voice.

"We just went out for drinks. Yes, we were laughing and having fun. We didn't kiss or do anything inappropriate." I start off.

"Is that why his hands are on you and he is close enough to sit on your lap?" he lifts his eyebrow and I sigh knowing I must tell him everything. There is no way I can solve this without Zayn knowing or being dragged into this.

"I promise nothing happened. Yes, the photos look a little intimate, but we were having a serious conversation. Jim was telling me he had avoided me because he started developing feelings towards me. He was apologizing and just asking for a little space and understanding. Granted, his hand shouldn't have been on my face in that moment. It looks compromising and a lot more romantic that it was. I told him to take all the time he needs because I have you and I would never do anything to jeopardize what I have with you. Never. We have stopped all contact between us until he can figure himself out and get rid of those emotions." I conclude without breaking eye-contact hoping he sees the truth behind my words. "I promise you." he rubs his hand across his face with a sigh.

"Are you telling me the whole truth?" He asks.

"Yes baby." His shoulders visibly relax, and he keeps quiet for a second.

"Why would someone send me this then?" I can hear from his strained voice, he is still calming himself down.

"I don't know. Someone has been leaving those type of letters on my desk and I don't know who it is. I thought it had stopped after the person received no reaction from me, but I guess I was mistaken." He frowns once again.

"Since when?" he asks.

"Right after our honeymoon." I admit. I look for the letters in my bag and hand it to him. He reads them through, and I see his body tense.

"For a fucking month you've been in danger and didn't see the necessity to share this with your fucking husband!" His voice rises. "What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"I honestly didn't think it was such an issue. I mean I just moved here, I hardly know anyone. I figured it was just someone looking for quick money or just someone who was bored with themselves. Nothing else besides these letters have happened." He takes a deep breath and pins me down with his stare.

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