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We had gotten back from the house and fallen right in with the crowd. We are currently mingling with all the guests thanking them for coming.

"Ladies and gentlemen if I could have your attention." Zayn's voice flows through the hall, causing everyone to quiet down and look at him. "I have a surprise for my wife, if she could just come forward." My eyes widen as everyone clears the floor to return to their seats. Zayn is standing on the makeshift stage and I'm standing in front of him

I've honestly reached my quota of surprises at this point. One more and I might collapse from shock and stress.

"I have made my share of mistakes Melony. I have hurt you in ways I wish I could take back. I've caused tears, I know. God, what I would do to take it back. I have done a lot of things, and every single time, you've never left my side. You've always been there, through it all. You're still here and I don't know how I could ever thank you." I smile at him, trying to convey my feelings towards him.

It's okay. You're here too.

That's more than enough.

"So, I wrote a song. I hope it shows my appreciation and love towards you. I love you." he stands back and I'm left in shock. I've only hard him sing a couple times, all those times were soft and almost inaudible. I can't help but be curious. He takes a guitar and adjusts the mic a bit before giving me a smile.

His voice flows through the quiet hall and I'm left in awe. His voice is smooth and thick. It sounds like God himself, is speaking through him. he has perfect control of his vocals. I feel myself falling in love all over again. The song is slow, and the words wrap around me like silk. Everyone else disappears and it's just me and him. looking at each other with wonder and gratitude. I listen to every word, and I never want this song to end.

Need you when I'm broken,

When I'm fixed.

Need you when I'm well

When I'm sick

Friends that I rely on, don't come through,

They run like the river, but not you

Can't see when I'm falling

Losing myself

But then I hear you calling

There you are

There you are

You're there with open arms

There you are

There you are

And I run

Only you know me the way you know me

Only you forgive me when I'm sorry

Even when I messed it up.

There you are

Tears stream from my eyes as he finishes the song softly. Everyone claps after he's done, and I run into his arms. Whispering to him all the things my heart can't keep inside. All the words I could master, to tell him that I'd never leave his side. That I love him unconditionally, and that I always will. I'm all in.

How did I ever get this lucky?


I'm exhausted by the time we get to our new house.

Weddings are a lot more exhausting than you'd think. I don't want to smile or hear speeches ever again. Everything hurts, from my toes, all the way to my head. I rest my head on Zayn's shoulder as the driver drives down the driveway. We left the party, and I'm pretty sure it's still going on, People were way too intoxicated and joyful to leave. Its 22:30 and I've had enough. I want to be with my man.

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