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Have you ever sat in silence? In complete silence. But in that silence, you felt like the world was screaming at you? That's how I feel now.

"I'm so sorry Melony. I didn't know he was standing there." Zoe looks both shocked and a little apprehensive.

"Don't worry." She gives me a hug and I feel exhausted. Emotionally drained.

"Well good luck. I hope you two work it out. I don't want you to leave." I give her a sad smile. "I'm sure Zayn feels the same."

"Thank you." she leaves and I stand up to look for Zayn.

I search downstairs and I can't find him. I head upstairs to look in the rooms, but he's not there either. As I descend from the stairs I see him walking past with a few people around him. I contemplate calling him but then his eyes catch mine. He doesn't look hurt, in fact he has no emotion in his eyes. Just a blank stare. someone catches his attention and he laughs. Soon they're out of my sight. With a heavy heart, I decide to walk around.

"Why do you look so down?" I turn around to find Isaac looking down at me.

"No reason, just walking around." He nods as he walks beside me.

"Yes. Much like you." he smiles.

"Well, not anymore."

"Exactly." I say. he smiles as we exit to the backyard.

"So, tell me more about yourself." He says and I pull my face. "what?" he laughs.

"I hate doing that you know." He gives me a questioning look. "the whole tell me about yourself thing."

"Can I ask why?"

"I prefer getting to know someone by how they act and what I observe rather than hearing it. It adds much more and it minimalizes the chances of someone lying or pretending to be who they're not."

"Oh. Makes sense." I nod and look up into his grey eyes. This family has some good genes. "don't stare too long. Many get lost that way." He says cheekily. We share a laugh as I take a seat. He takes the seat next to me.

"So, what do you do?"

"Well I'm a lawyer."

"You look a little young though." he smiles.

"It's just the cute face. I'm a year older than Zayn actually." I nod

"Huh. Wouldn't have guessed." He winks and I roll my eyes at him.

"Speaking of, he's a very stupid man." This time I give him a questioning look. "Leaving a beautiful woman like you alone at a party. Things might happen." He shrugs as we both laugh.

"Do you always flirt with your cousin's girlfriends?" he smirks.

"No. Just you." he winks and I shake my head in amusement.

"You might get in trouble you know." We share a look and we just laugh.

"Nah I'm kidding around. Zayn would kill me."

"Glad you know that Isaac." We turn around and we see Zayn standing there with his arms crossed. "sorry to disturb you but we have to head back." Isaac tries to convince Zayn to sleep over but Zayn says it's too late so they shake hands and say their goodbyes before Isaac hugs me.

"You got a good one here Zayn. Don't let her go." Zayn smiles but it's forced. "Cause if you do, I'll definitely take her." I slap his chest as we all laugh a little. We stand outside and we talk for a while until we say our goodbyes for the tenth time. We say our goodbyes to the rest of the family and we head out.

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