CLXXVIII (just a tiny bit NSFW. Not really.)

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Brett grinned as he threw the last card on the deck. Eddy had lost most games, and he knew why, of course. He was too distracted. Especially distracted since Brett had moved the book he had on his lap to show him he was hard. 
For him. 
He had been shifting in his seat since, trying to keep his mind on cards, and not on what they would do once they got to the hotel. Which would be a while, anyway. They would still have to take the shuttle into Taipei, they would have to check in... 
Why was it so sexy, sitting here next to his love, kilometres up in the air, wanting him, with the world around them oblivious, like they were in their own little bubble? 
He wished they really did have a bubble, where no one else could see them. Then he would be able to lean over and gently open Brett's zipper. He could stroke him through the fabric, then he could take him out, blow softly on his tip. Brett would groan, he knew he would. He would groan more when Eddy's lips closed around him and his tongue swirled around the velvety skin.
"Fuck." he whispered softly as he yanked himself out of his erotic daydream and picked up the cards from Brett's little table in front of them. His dick strained against the fabric of his jeans and he breathed deeply. 
Later. Keep your shit together, mate.
"Your turn?" Brett asked with one of his little smirks. 
Oh, God, how he loved those little smirks. Brett's cheeks were pink, and his eyes glittered like stars on a moonless night. Oh yeah, he was feeling it too, and suddenly it was almost impossible not to lean over and kiss him, thrust his tongue in his mouth, take him, consume him. 
Eddy cleared his throat to get himself together and that was when his hand twitched. Cards flew everywhere, over the little table, Brett's legs and seat, the floor. 
"Fuck!" he hissed, shaking his head at himself as Brett started grinning. He grabbed the cards from the table and pushed it upwards so he would be able to reach the rest of them. 
"Well, that's a kind of shuffle I've not seen before." Brett quipped as he started picking up cards too, first the ones on his lap, then leaning over so he could grab the ones that had fallen to the ground. And then, sitting back up in the most innocent way in the world, he looked up at him through hooded eyes, calculating, firy, and his hand just happened to glance over Eddy's bulge. 
"Oh!" Eddy whispered as the tingles pulled through him, and he cleared his throat again. 
Brett smiled again, triumphantly this time, and handed him the cards without another word. 

The taxi was waiting for them as they walked out of the airport with their suitcases and instruments. 
"Eddy Chen?" a little man in a uniform asked as they approached. 
Oh. This was different. It wasn't Todd they were asking, no, it was him. 
"Yes, hello." he answered in Chinese. "Thank you for picking us up."
It was a stupid thing to say, he knew that the second the words left his mouth. I mean, come on. Thank you for picking us up? What the hell did he think the guy's job description was? He managed not to shake his head at himself as the taxi driver opened the boot and picked up the first bags. 
"Can we put in the instruments last?" he asked politely, and the driver nodded. 

Eddy looked back at the airport as the bags were being stacked meticulously in the boot of the taxi. 
They were here, they were really here, and this was simply going to be the best week ever. 

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