Chapter 43

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We walked to school together for the first time in ages. It felt great and almost nostalgic for some reason even though it hasn't really been that long (maybe almost 2 months). Our walk reminded me of the summer, when I used to find him so incredibly annoying it was hard to stand near him. His very presence drove me insane and now... I craved it. 

I looked up at the sky, which was definitely not that similar to the bright blue clear skies summer had. These skies were a bit darker, with fluffy streaks of white painted across it. Now that it was practically winter, the sun didn't rise as early, and didn't illuminate the skies as brightly as it used to. Clouds also filled the skies more often now, hinting at a potential snowfall but never following through. 

I hugged my jacket closer to me and looked at the school. It used to seem so new and scary, yet now I consider it as a third home--my first obviously being my own, and the second being Hyunjin's house since I spend so much time there. I walked over to Jieun and waved Hyunjin goodbye.

"Hi Jieun," I said.

"Hi," she said and smiled sadly. "I heard about your breakup with Minho."

I frowned. How the hell does word travel so fast around here?

"Yeah, uh, it wasn't fun," I sighed.

She patted my back. "Don't worry, you'll be over him in no time."

I scoffed, "And you're so sure why?"

She grinned mischievously. "Becauseee," she said dragging out the end of the word, "there is a party in exactly three weeks, which I am forcing you to come to. There's going to be a lot of cute boys there who if you give a chance would definitely be able to take your mind off of Minho... if you know what I mean," she said and wiggled her eyebrows.

I responded with an eye roll. "A party? You know I don't like those. There's too many drugs, and alcohol, and people... very horny, sexual people..."

"I know! It's perfect!"


She crossed her arms. "You're going okay? You don't have to drink, do drugs or have sex, but at least socialize and have fun. I'll stick with you the whole time if you want."


"Yay!" she said and clapped.

I sighed and forced a smile.

Honestly, I'm really not in the mood to socialize with some random strangers, but at least I have three weeks to prepare.

- - -

"So, I'm going to assume the Christmas party with the two cheaters is off."

Hyunjin softly chuckled, "Yeah, definitely."

I took another bite of my lunch and my eyes widened.

"I need to think of a Christmas gift for you!"

Hyunjin looked over at me, "Shouldn't you talk after you swallow?"

I covered my mouth, "Shut up."

He laughed and turned back to the view. "Don't get me anything."

I groaned audibly. "Are you actually going to be one of those annoying people?! Of course I'm going to get you something! Now, just make things easy and tell me what you like."

"I'm rich. There's nothing in the material world I would ask for."

I just sat there and didn't say anything. He's right, there probably isn't much I could get him that he likes and doesn't already have.

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