Chapter 63

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"Hey, it's Hyunjin, I'm not able to answer the phone right now, please leave a message."

I've never hated a voicemail more.

I've heard him say that exact line like hundred of times now. It's a miracle he hasn't blocked me.

I've tried calling Hyunjin everyday this week so far. You'd think by day 4 I would have given up already, but I'm tempted to remain persistent. Maybe he'll take note of the fact I haven't stopped. Maybe he'll know that's a sign that he means more to me than he thinks he does. I should try texting him again.

I haven't seen him in days. He hasn't been in our class in a while.

I went to his house the other day. I insisted to my teacher that I be the one to hand Hyunjin the homework he's been missing out on. I'm not sure why I expected Hyunjin to be the one to answer the door, but I did, and I was wrong. It was just his dad who looked utterly disgusted by the sight of me.

"What do you want?" he had said.

" just wanted to bring Hyunjin the homework he missed," I said quietly.

His dad just grunted and ripped the papers from my hands before I could even hand him the letter I made for Hyunjin. And he slammed the door in my face before I could ask to see his son.

Suddenly, I'm snapped out of the memories, and the sound of my ringtone fills my ears.

"HYUNJIN!" I scream, jumping onto my bed to grab my phone.

I immediately look at the contact, but to my sadness, it's just Jieun.

"Hey, Jieun," I pick up.

"I'm heading over right away," she says frantically.

"Wait, what? Why? What's happening?"

I hear the sound of her panting as she runs across her house. "You haven't seen it yet?!"

"Seen what?!"

"Heeyoung's post!"

Oh my God.

I immediately hang up and head straight to Instagram. I search up Heeyoung's account and go to her most recent post.

Holy shit.

It was the most horrific sight I've ever laid my eyes upon. I'm so glad Instagram wasn't popular three years ago. If it were I'd probably have killed myself. Cyberbullying is a whole other battle.

Heeyoung posted an hour ago. It was a picture of me. Actually, it was two photos of me. One photo was of me in the eighth grade. I think it was a photo Heeyoung took herself. I was sitting alone in the cafeteria. Beside it was a photo of the new me, again, sitting alone in a now bigger cafeteria. In big letters it said, 'I guess some things don't change,' with a laughing emoji.

The caption was the worst part. Reading is lovely except for times like these. Honestly, I think having no eyes might have served me better.

h.YOUNG_3: Hi to all my former graduates of  Seoul Elementary. Remember that ugly fat bitch we all hated? Yumi? She's back, and sold her soul to the devil so he could melt off the thousand layers of fat she was buried under in order to become a normal person. Don't be fooled though. This psycho bitch has spread her legs to all the men who have wronged her, seeking revenge through her toothed, std infected vagina. Stay away from this skank. The psychopath may seek revenge on you if you look at her the wrong way. You have my warnings <3

Lots of love bitches



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