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Everything has its time and what should happen tomorrow cannot happen today and what should happen today will certainly happen today. We often think about what should or can happen tomorrow, we speed up time, we worry about what has not happened yet. We are afraid of what awaits us in the future, but this future does not exist yet and we cannot know exactly what awaits us tomorrow or in a week. And these experiences and expectations bring fear and anxiety and prevent us from being happy.

Why do we invent reasons to worry ourselves? Why are we afraid of what cannot happen?

This is one of the favorite methods of Shaytan, who wishes us only evil. Allah Almighty said in the Quran:

"Satan promises you poverty [...]"

Sura al'Baqara verse 268

That is, he frightens us with poverty and other hypothetical possible problems and misfortunes to put our souls in fear and confusion, to distract us from worshipping and obeying the Almighty, to shake our faith and incline us to sins. May he not achieve what he is striving for! If everything is fine with us today according to the will of the Almighty, then we have every reason to hope that this well-being will not leave us tomorrow. Allah Almighty promised:

"'If you are grateful, I will surely increase you [in favor] [...]"

Sura Ibrāhīm verse 7

This means that we must give thanks for what we have been given, trust in the Almighty, ask Him for help, protection, forgiveness, prosperity, health, etc., and hope that our prayers will not go unanswered.

We are preoccupied with what is not worth it, but at this time we could think about what is really important, what can benefit us and others, what can help us become happy and make others happy. We waste the mental energy that could have been spent on something that really deserves attention, on something beautiful and right, kind and easy, useful and meaningful.

salatqu-tariqiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora