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No mother will tell you about it, but it's worth thinking about.

1. You made her cry, many times. She cried when she realized she was pregnant. She cried when she gave you life. She cried when she held you in her arms for the first time. She cried with happiness. She cried with fear. She cried with excessive emotion. She felt your pain and happiness and shared it with you whether you realize it or not.

2. It hurt when you pulled her hair. When you scratched her with your long nails that could not be cut. If you bit her while she was breastfeeding, it hurt her. You hurt her ribs when you were born, you stretched her belly in nine months, you caused her excruciating pain when you were born, it hurt her.

3. Form the beginning, she did everything in her power to protect you. Your mother was convinced that only she could protect you. Her heart beat twice as fast when you took your first steps. She stayed up late to make sure you came home safe and sound and got up early to make sure you went to school. With each stumble, she was ready to catch you.

4. She knew she wasn't perfect. She knows her mistakes and sometimes hates herself for them. The hardest part for her is when you saw those flaws. She wanted to be the perfect mother, do everything right, but she is also human and people make mistakes too. Maybe she still blames herself. She wants to go back in time with all her might and do everything differently, but she can't. Be the perfect mother.

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