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Imam al-Munawi رحمه الله said:

"There is jealousy in women towards their husbands. So they should show patience in Jihad with their souls and Shaytan in the time of fervor, as men show patience in Jihad with their enemies."

If a woman does not wage Jihad with her soul and Shaytaan, she will lose the perfection of her religion and Shaytaan will gain the upper hand over her so that she will become angry with her husband and wrong him, and he may beat her, and perhaps she will go mad and ruin herself.

One day a woman came to 'Umar رضي الله عنه and said:

"I have committed adultery,
So punish me!"

Whereupon her husband said:

"She didn't do it, she didn't do it, she was driven by jealousy to say it."

Faydul-Qadir 3/321

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