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"I have created the Jins and the people only that they may worship Me".

Sure aḏ-Ḏāriyāt verse 56

In this ayat, Allah commands all humans and the Jins to fulfil the purpose of their creation - to worship Him alone.

What does al-ibadah (worship) mean?

It means to obey and observe all that He has commanded and to refrain from all that He has forbidden.

The pillars of ibadah (worship):

1. to love Allah;

2. to feel the greatness of Allah (to know that He is the greatest).

That is, worship is done with love for Allah and reverence for His greatness. It is important to worship Him with love. He created us and loves us and wants us to love Him. Worship (ibadah) to be close to Him, and without love it will be like a body without a soul.

And also we should fear Him (feel His majesty) and avoid everything that He has forbidden. It is very important that there is always Ihlas (sincerity (i.e. for the sake of Allah)) in the heart. All our worship and all our intentions should be for His sake only.

When Allah created us to worship Him, He did not leave us without guidance.

He gave us:

1) The Quran, in which He has told us everything; and how we should worship Him and how we can come close to Him;

2) The Prophet ﷺ. He was an example of how to do it (worship Allah). He sent the Prophet to follow only the Sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ;

3) Reason, to understand what is in the Quran and the Sunnah, and to use the mind to distinguish what is permitted and what is forbidden.

But with reason alone we cannot worship Him without the Quran and the Sunnah.

Allah does not need us at all, but has created us only to worship Him, and that pleases Him and is best for ourselves (to enter Paradise). On the Day of Judgement we will see how we worshipped Him and how we used our time.

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