༄ 35. "I Don't Love You"

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It was currently early in the morning — about 7:30AM. Our main character, Sohma Aristia, the one who is cursed by the Fox spirit, is currently running through the hallways. You may even call it sprinting, if you look it from the average human point of view. But now the question is: WHY is she running through the hallways? Well, that's because today is the day that has love as their signature — Valentine's day.

Today is the 14th of February. For some it's a day to look forward to, and for others, it is a day to dread. In Japan, this day is considered an important day, because not only do they celebrate love, it is also a reminder for them to show their appreciation for their loved ones.

Back to our main character's situation, the red haired girl is currently running away from the members of the Tia Fanclub. It wouldn't be a problem if it were only a handful of young boys and girls, but there was literally a crowd chasing the poor little girl.

Well, you may think that she is the only one who was running for their dear life, but she was soon accompanied by her two favorite volleyball twins — Miya Atsumu and Miya Osamu. Even though, the three of them decided to split up, there came no end to the amount of admirers who appeared in front of them.

The grey haired twin remained his cool, whereas his twin could not. After thinking deeply, Osamu got the smartest idea in his head.

"Tia! 'Tsumu!" The boy yelled through the hallways to get their attention "Follow me!"

Seeing that they didn't had any other ideas, they soon followed the grey haired boy. After some time, they finally arrived at the place where silence is a must and sound is considered a sin — the library. Aristia and Atsumu smirked at the boy's smart idea. They knew that the librarian absolutely detested noise in her second home, and so the three friends hid between the bookshelves in the library.

Soon enough, they heard the loud shouts from the librarian, who was screaming at the members of their fanclubs. The three friends innerly thanked the librarian, so they can now finally live in peace.

"Pfew, that was a close one," the golden haired twin exclaimed.

"Yes, thank you Osamu," Aristia said.

"You're welcome," the boys sighed out of relief "I'm glad they're finally gone,"

"So, are we gonna sit here till class starts?" Atsumu asked no one in particular.

Osamu and Aristia looked at each other and shrugged. "I guess we will,"

Some time passed — about half an hour — and the twins became already sick of pretending to read some random books. On the other hand, Aristia did not. She was just blankly staring at the written pages with a frown on her face and deeply thinking about something or rather someone. Seeing the red haired girl so deep in her own world, made the Miya twins curious.

"What are you thinking about, Tia-chan?" The grey haired twin dared to ask.

Hearing the curious voice of her friend made her come back to her senses. Aristia let out a deep sigh and responded to the boy with a "It's nothing you should worry about, Osamu," and stood up to get another book off the shelves. Even though that was her response, neither the twins nor her were exactly relieved with the answer.

"We know that we're not exact the kind of people who you can talk to if you have a personal problem, but if you want to talk about it, you can always tell Kita-san your problems," Atsumu decided to speak up, in which his twin agreed.

".... I will think about it,"

Some time passed and it was already the end of the school day. Throughout their breaks, they were constantly bothered by someone who wanted to confess their 'love' for their famous friends. Not only did they became tired of it, the ones who were confessed to were also pretty exhausted to put on a fake friendly smile and to constantly repeat the same sentence all over again.

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