Stay or Go

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I really didn't know what to do, should I follow him or should I follow my brother. I sighed after a few moments.

"Jake I'm sorry but I am not turning my back on the one person to always have my back, I love you but I can't." I pulled away before jogging off and phasing quickly following my brother's scent.

By the time I had caught up to them the Cullen's had already made it through, I felt bad I had taken to long being caught up with Jacob.

"Dammit Nik where were you!" My brother yelled in his head at me as we walked back to Sam's.

"Paul, I"

"Paul leave her alone, she's had a long day." Sam said in a tone causing my brother to growl and walk off.

"Great first day back and I made my brother mad at me."

"Nikole your brother is always mad."

"I know Jared why do you think I call him Hulk, but that is beside the point, I really didn't mean too."

"It's cool, we understand. So how's class going?"

"Good I'm taking double majors and minors so busy as hell."

"Wow." He said shifting and changing. I walked behind a tree doing the same.

"Wow what."

"Why so much."

"I mean what else is there for me to do there, I go to the gym twice a day and then school like all day and patrol campus a bit at night."

"So what are you studying?"

"I major in Psychology and Journalism; and minor in French and Native American Studies."


"Yea and I am only 6 credits away from being a sophomore so by the time next year rolls around I'll actually damn near be halfway through being a sophomore."

"So you're skipping college."



"It does so can we go in eat and sleep yet."

"After you give me a hug you can do what you want honey." I looked up hearing Emily's sweet voice before I ran to her and picked her up. She hugged me while laughing before I sat her back on the ground.

"I missed you Em."

"I missed you too honey, you look good." I glanced down at myself before looking back at her.

"Thank you." I had gained a little bit of weight, mostly muscle but I still looked good, and my hair was longer and layered and I had added highlights. Emily then sat a plate down in front of me. It had Chicken and rice casserole veggies and fry bread, I quickly dug in I had missed Emily's cooking so much.

"Where's Paul?

"Got mad at me."

"For what."

"I told him Jake was lying at the meeting, then Collin howled basically telling us I was right it was a setup and then they ran after the threat and when I went to leave Jake." I paused looking at Sam and swallowing the tears that wanted to come from my body. "Jake asked me to come with him Sam, he said he loved me and made when I didn't believe, he told me to look at him because I know when he's lying, and he wasn't. He said he loved me and I said I couldn't do it, I couldn't leave the one person to always have my back, I wasn't turning my back on Paul. So when I got to where they all where the Cullen's had slipped by and Paul was pissed at me."

"He'll get over it, you had something to handle and I am proud of you, and when Paul hears what you just said he defiantly won't be mad anymore." I nodded as I finished off my plate, I didn't really get home-cooked meals anymore, it was café food and fast food.

"You can rest here Nik, there are still clothes upstairs and you can use the guest room."

"Thank you Em and Sam." I hugged them both before going to grab some clothes and take a shower. After my shower I went into the guest room and laid on the bed, I honestly don't think it even took me five minutes to fall asleep.

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