Best Gift Ever

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Rachel handed me a bag and the first thing I grabbed was a card. I opened it and looked at Jake as I saw the writing.


Welcome to the world, right now you are in mommy's belly but soon you'll be in both of our arms and I can't wait. I know with your mom being your mom you'll be perfect cause you'll look like her. The day I found out your mother was pregnant I was so scared and nervous; I had no clue what to do, how to take care of you or your mom. At the same time, I had never been so happy or content with my life. You are the greatest accomplishment I ever had in my life and I am so in love with you. I can't wait to hear you cry, see you smile, play football with you, talk about girls, give you advice, teach you to ride a motorcycle.

I love you and your mother both so much and I am blessed to have the two of you in my life. I can't wait for every memory we are going to make. I pray I am as good of a father to you as your grandfather was to me; even if I do half the job I now that I will have succeeded and I hope I make you as proud as you have already made me little man

Love Daddy.

I looked up at Jake with tears in my eyes as I held the card to me smiling. I sat it in my lap as I opened the bag. I pulled out a onesie that said 'Daddy's football buddy.' Another that said his name, one that said 'Daddy's little Mariner' and one that made everyone laugh. 'Future Alpha.' Lastly, I held up a picture frame. There were 4 slots, the first was Jake and me on my 16th birthday, one of Alex's ultrasound and one of Jake on his knees kissing my stomach, the last spot was empty as I looked up at Jake.

"Thank you." Everyone including Paul looked between us, half of them just realizing Jake had been in the door the whole time.

"I'm glad you like it, the last one is blank so his first picture can go in it." He said softly. I slowly stood up as I walked to him and hugged him tightly. I blinked back tears as I felt his arms wrap tightly around me as he hugged me back.


I watched the tears in my sister's eyes as I looked down seeing Jake's words in the card. She didn't read it aloud and I knew why. Now she was hugging him and I sighed in relief when he wrapped his arms tightly around her. No one made a move almost afraid to break their trance, I smiled at Rach as she nudged me; both of us had been desperately trying to help fix their situation over the past month. Jake slowly pulled back wiping the tears from Nikole's face as he kissed her forehead.

"We'll talk later, finish your party."

Nikole nodded her head at him as he helped her sit back down. As he did he leaned over kissing Rach on the cheek. Before we left Jake kissed his hand before touching Nikole's stomach. She stopped talking with Leah as she looked up smiling at him. He then walked out of the room and I followed him to where the rest of the guys were; Alex's nursery.

"So where does this go?"

"Ok, Bed goes under his name on that wall; Jake you should hang his name. Dresser goes where J and Quil are standing, Bookcase goes here, these stickers and pictures need to hang up and his changer needs to be stocked as well as hang all the hangers and clothes. Fold what goes in there and these storage bins are for clothes 3 months and up. Each is labeled so don't mix it up."

"Holy crap that's a lot."

"It's a kid Seth, they grow fast."

"I know, so Jake did you talk to her yet."

"We'll talk later, she's having a party."

"Oh come on Jake! Stop coming up with excuses she's your-"

"Seth!" Jake said making him shut up. "We agreed to talk later ok."

"About time." Sam said smirking at him.

After that, we basically shut up and got to work. Some of us put the crib and changer together, Jake was hanging Alex's name on the wall and some stickers. Seth was folding clothes and hanging them. After an hour we were done and I have to say his room looked pretty damn good; my sister had kicked ass with this nursery.

"This looks good." Jake said looking around.

"Yeah, should have helped her."

"I know, she mad at me?"

"No, she's hurt

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