Not so Good

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"Paul, I'm pregnant." I stopped moving as my little sister's words ran over and over again in my head. Pregnant, what the fuck did she mean pregnant.

"What the fuck do you mean you're pregnant?" I asked feeling myself already shaking.

"I mean I'm pregnant, you're going to be an uncle." She said quietly. I could see the fear in her eyes she was scared, rather it was because she was 18 and pregnant or because of my reaction.

"Who!" I said angrily taking a step towards her. I glanced towards Sam's and Emily's following her line of sight.  "You better be fucking joking!"

"Paul," She said


"Who else." She said softly.

"I'll fucking kill him!" I screamed stalking towards the house.

"No! Paul" Nikki said standing in my way.

"Get the fuck out of my way Nikole."

"I can't do that Paul, you can't hurt him."



"HE GOT YOU PREGNANT!" I sighed hearing Paul scream at Nikole and growled loudly. He was pissing me off talking to her like that. I was so focused on their conversation I wasn't aware everyone else was hearing them too.

"What!" I jerked back to reality hearing Emily's voice. As I looked around everyone was watching me with a shocked face. I rubbed the back of my neck in a nervous manner as everyone looked at me.

"What?" I asked softly.

"Jake, what are they talking about?" Sam said looking over at me. I sighed; I guess it was time to tell everyone.

"Well Nikole is"

"You Motherfucker!" I turned around only to be met with Paul's fist. I fell back against the table holding my arm up as the guys darted towards Paul to pull him off me.

"Paul knock it off! Go cool off!" Sam said roughly as Paul turned storming out of the house. I took Embry's hand as he helped me up off the floor. Blood pouring from my already healing nose. I looked over at the door where Nikki stood with tears pouring down her face. I shoved Embry away as I walked over pulling her into my arms.

"Don't cry, I'm ok."

"He hates me."

"If he hates anyone it's me."

"Someone wanna tell us what the hell is going on?" Leah asked looking at us annoyed. I looked down at Nikole who looked up at me wiping her face and nodding. I took her hand pulling her back to the table with me.

"Ok well everyone heard what Paul said."

"Yeah, what's his deal, Jake?" Quil asked looking at us.

"I'm pregnant." Nikole said softly.

"When the hell did this happen?" Leah asked looking at her.

"10 weeks ago."

"What happened to taking it slow and starting over?"

"That was the plan Jared, but you didn't let anyone know you spiked the drinks at the party did you." Nikki said looking at him with hard eyes. "Anyway the day I woke up to go back to school I woke up in Jake's arms, only we weren't dressed, neither of us knew what happened so we just assumed off the evidence. Two weeks ago I started getting sick, when I woke up earlier at the Cullen's, Carlisle told me. He's not sure how since I haven't had a female visit in two years but yeah Leah apparently we can get knocked up." She said looking over at Leah. I saw a spark of light behind her eyes. I knew Leah had wanted kids, that it had bothered her basically going into menopause when she phased.

"So when are you due?"

"July 26th." I said pulling the envelope out of my back pocket and handing it to Emily.

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