Untitled Part 52

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I awoke the next morning to a soft voice and my son making noise. Sitting up quickly Nikole glanced up from the glider across the room as she rocked him gently; feeding him.

"How long have you been up? You're supposed to be in bed resting?" I said yawning as I rubbed my face.

"35 minutes, he was hungry and I didn't want to sit in bed so I came over here." I nodded bending my head kissing her softly before bending and kissing Alex's head. The action causing Nikki to giggle.

"What's so funny?"

"Five o'clock shadow tickles." She said softly rubbing my face. I smirked kissing her before I walked into the bathroom.

After I was done I walked out to see Nikole sleeping in the glider with Alex sleeping against her chest. I grabbed my cell taking a picture of them before I closed the door softly and went downstairs. The clock read 7:22 and I groaned; no wonder I was tired it felt like I had just gone to sleep and Alex had woke up at 3:30 this morning and took forever to go to sleep. I tried to let Nikole sleep but it was hard since we had no formula and he got the milk from her.

I smiled as I saw Rachel in the kitchen cooking. She was flipping what looked like French toast which was Nikki's favorite.

"Morning Rach."

"Morning Jake, sleep ok?"

"Not at all, and thanks for making breakfast, you don't have to do that."

"It's ok. Figured you guys would be hungry."

"Thank you, how long you been up."

"Bout 40 minutes, I heard Alex starting to wake up, we're running out to get her a pump and formula later."

"Thanks, tell me what it costs."

"No, it's from Paul and me."

"With what money?"

"He gets paid, I get school money and I just got a job at the lodge, helping out since Nik can't work."

"Thanks, and I honestly don't want her too."

"That's cool, and don't talk so low she won't be mad."

"How do you know?"

"Because she would like to find something to where she could work from home, still bring in money but she'd rather stay home with Alex."

"You're the best."

"I know, Take her this I'll have yours ready in a bit."

I took the huge plate out of Rachel's hand as I grabbed a glass of chocolate milk for Nik and headed upstairs. Rach had piled her plate with two pieces of toast, some scrambled eggs, bacon, and some fruit. Walking in I smiled as I saw them still sleeping peacefully. I gently took Alex out of her arms and took him to his nursery. Laying him down gently I turned on his monitor and started his mobile before walking out.

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