6 Months of Heartbreak

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Needless to say, that night was one I would like to forget, after that Jake and I changed, we weren't close anymore, hell we barely talked. I made sure to stay away from Sam's place; I only went when it was necessary, some meetings I couldn't get out of or patrol. I only saw Jake a handful of times. Twice chasing Victoria, once at a meeting once at a bonfire he brought Bella too oh and the time we patrolled, I had to relive him one day much to my dismay, I won't forget the day Bella found out about us. It was Jacob's turn to patrol but he never showed up to relive my brother causing me to do it. Sam found out called a meeting and we all walked to Jake's.


"I'm going to kick his ass, I relived him the other day and I relived Nikki then he was supposed to be mine and never showed causing her to wake up and find me on her own and taking my spot." Paul spits out angrily as we walked into Jake's backyard. I groaned when I saw that stupid ugly ass orange truck in the driveway.

"Are you fucking kidding me." I growled out throwing Paul's arm off me, I then saw Bella charging towards us a pissed off look across her face.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM." She yelled shoving Sam. Sam took a deep breath trying to keep his anger in check as Paul took a step forward causing Sam to hold his arm out and me to grab him.

"WE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING TO HIM WHAT DID HE TELL YOU." My brother growled out in anger.

"NOTHING. He tells me nothing because he's afraid of all of you." Jared and Paul started laughing at Bella which seemed to make her angry as she reared back and smacked my brother across the face; the action made Paul's head whip back and he began shaking.

"Paul." Sam warned as he grabbed me placing me behind him, Paul shifted growling roughly at Bella. Sam who had been so focused on him didn't even realize I had phased as well until I was already lunging for Bella. I was at the end of my rope, she smacks my brother, practically steals and leads my imprint on, I wanted swan's head on a platter. I ignored Sam's frantic screaming as I lunged for Bella who was screaming for Jacob as he jumped over his rails. Jake phased midair and landed on me knocking me roughly to the ground as he nipped my throat. His claws digging roughly into my collarbone, causing me to cry out in pain. Paul lunged at Jake knocking him off me as they began fighting and rolled away into the forest. I could feel blood pouring from my neck as I turned my head looking at the shell shocked Bella still sitting on the ground.

"Take Bella back to Emily's!" Sam shouted as he bent down in front of me gently touching my shoulder. "Nikole I need you to head to Emily's, Quil went and got Sue." I nodded as I limped away from him trying quickly to make my way to Emily's. I could hear in my head Paul and Jacob screaming and fighting and I blocked them out, between the pain I was in mixed with Jake's anger and hateful words in my regard I didn't want to hear it. As I made it to Emily's Quil was standing outside with Sue, she held out a pair of clothes and I quickly phased and changed.

"Sit down, Quil what the fuck happened to her."



"Sue it's ok, I , well Bella smacked my brother and I phased and tried to attack her."

"He didn't." She said looking up at Quil

"He did." Sue sighed as she looked down; she had dealt with this before. I knew all about what happened with Sam and Emily, hell it happened 6 months before I phased. Now Sue was picturing it all over again.

"You need stitches sweetie." I nodded at her right now I was numb, I didn't care. I glanced in the door seeing Bella talking with Emily and Embry, I noticed Bella turn her head and look at me, I looked away looking back at Sue as she finished up, I had 16 stitches from my color bone to the joint in my neck where it met my shoulder. Courtesy of Jacob who had bitten me and my collarbone where his claws had sunk in too deep, Paul tackling him off had caused him to tear more skin.

"Thank you." I said softly as I saw Paul and Jacob walk up with Sam.

"You ok?" Sam asked. I looked him in the eyes, his softening face clearly getting that I was far from it. Jake barely even looked at me as he walked in and up to Bella. He didn't even care; he had attacked me his imprint.


I now sported a nice little scar on my collarbone from where his claws sunk too deep, my healing for some reason actually didn't heal it. Then of course after that incident came the night he kissed Bella and she broke her hand punching him in the face. He had been bitching for over a month about the Cullen's coming back and him losing his shot with Bella because he quote almost had her. Embry came running laughing into Sam's where I was talking with Leah. She and Seth had phased a couple of months back when their dad Harry passed. I was grateful to have another female around, she and I got along being the only females and I understood the whole situation with her Sam and Emily, quite a bit better than the guys could.


"You guys won't believe what happened."


"Jake kissed Bella."

"HE WHAT." I bit my lip in anger as I shook my head. I stood up storming off and running outside, I heard Sam screaming and Embry before I heard him yell my name and start to follow me. I raced to Bella's house as fast as I could go, when I reached my destination I stayed hidden in the tree line. I scanned Bella as I watched Jake and Edward head to head getting ready to fight. She had a cast on her right hand, it was true. Jake really had kissed her. At that time Charlie Bella's dad came racing outside from the noise and separated the two, both of them letting him do so. I saw Edward glance in my direction before he said something to Jake that caused him to storm off. I began to retreat before Jacob caught me.


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