Know you Better

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"It be easier if I could hear you guys too." Jake's voice drifted up at us. I sighed before shifting causing my brother to growl at me softly.

"Paul, they won't hurt us." I said as I slipped on my jeans and my UDub Sweatshirt. I waited for the guys to dress as Paul put a hand on my shoulder.

"You going to be ok sis?" I nodded at him as he kissed my head before he and Jared took the first step over the hill. I felt like my feet were glued to the floor, but I was finally able to move after Quil passed me and rubbed my arm gently. I took a deep breath before going over the hell and standing next to my brother. Jake slowly trailed off his sentence as he saw me. As our eyes connected for the first time in months I felt everything else disappear except for him, I felt the tears come to my eyes but I swallowed and held them back.

"Nikki?" He said softly. I felt my heart jump as hearing my name come from his lips.


I looked at my brothers as they stood on the top of the hill, I hated being divided and doing this but their choice wasn't right. What I wasn't prepared for was the tall slender body that slowly came over the top of the hill. Nikki walked up standing in between Paul and Jared, I hadn't seen her in months and she completely took my breath away. She was wearing light-colored jeans and an off white University of Washington sweatshirt. Her hair now hung to her shoulders, beautifully layered and she had added caramel-colored highlights that brought out the gold flakes in her eyes.

"Nikki?" I said softly, I heard her heartbeat flutter as I said her name, but I saw her eyes and it broke my heart when I saw tears well up before she swallowed them back.

"Jacob." She said softly, it caused me to grimace, her saying my name like that just sounded robotic. I was always Jake to her, only Jacob when she was mad at me or I did something. I instinctively stepped towards her and stopped when she pulled back from Paul and took a step back. My heartbreaking at her action.

"Where have you been?" Nikki sighed heavily before she looked up at me with a broken and aggravated look all at the same time.

"It's really none of your business Jacob."


"My name is Nikole Jacob, to answer you I was out, doing me and living my life not worried about people who could care less about me."

"Ni." She cut me off holding her hand up.

"We have nothing to talk about, but you should know that I was at your house earlier and your sister is home."

"What, who, when."

"Rachel." She said looking at Leah and Seth and waving. Leah smiled and Seth waved frantically.

"Hi, Nik glad your back."

"Thank you, Seth missed you too kid. You too chick." Leah nodded before I spoke.

"I want Sam to take Seth and Leah back and forgive them."

"What! No Jacob."

"Be quiet Leah." I said looking at her. I then felt a soft hand on my face and looked down as Nikki turned my head towards her. I looked into her eyes breathing in her scent now that she was this close to me. I saw the sadness hiding in her eyes and knew immediately it was my fault; a revelation that made me feel horrible.

"This is a setup." Nikki's words brought me out of a daze as she lowered her hand from my face.

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