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I grabbed a few more things for my plate for Jake, that kid ate a lot before I left I paused responding to Billy.

"Me too." I walked back to Jake's room smiling. He was sitting up in bed and half of his food was already gone. He looked up at me before scooting over a little and patting the bed next to him. I sat down sliding the food I got for him onto his plate. He looked up at me a mouth full of food and raised his eyebrow.

"You eat like a madman I figured in the time it took me to get the plate you'd be half done and wanting more."

"You know me well."

"Ya think." After that, we sat in silence and ate our breakfast, every now and then I would steal a glance at Jake. This felt nice, it felt like how it used to with us. After he was done I grabbed his plate putting it on the floor next to me. Jake gingerly moved and laid back down placing his head in my lap. I found myself running my fingers through his hair as I found a more comfortable position and Jake moved his head onto my stomach. After a few minutes I heard his breathing even out and I knew he had fallen back to sleep. I smiled to myself remembering all the times we were kids and had gotten sick; eat and go back to sleep. I figured I could use some more sleep so I closed my eyes. I awoke a few hours later to a few hushed voices.

"Shh, you're going to wake him." I said opening my eyes seeing Sam and Carlisle.

"Nik I'm already awake babe." I looked down at Jake as he slowly sat up.

"Nik you got the day off and night patrol tomorrow take care of him and if you guys are up for it Em is making dinner later."

"Thanks, Sam, I was going to cook for Billy and Jake, let them rest another day."

"That's fine. Take it easy."

"Thank you, Carlisle." I said looking at him, I may not particularly care for him but he saved Jacob.

"So what are we doing today?"

"Not a damn thing.'

"Huh." He said looking up at me.

"Jake you were just seriously hurt, your ass is taking it easy a few days, now if you want we can go watch the game with your dad, but your bed or the couch are your only options buddy."

"We can always do something else."

"Not until you at least take me on 2 dates and not with your dad home."

"Really, two dates?"

"You're a perv and yes two, you're different and my imprint."

"Deal, can I at least get a kiss."

"I guess." I said as Jake gently grabbed my face making me look at him. For a few seconds, all we did was look at each other before he pulled my face to his softly pressing his lips to mine. My eyes fluttered close as my heart thudded in my chest. I had been dying and dreaming for this moment for quite some time. Jake was an amazing kisser and the fireworks I was currently seeing weren't helping. I sighed as Jake licked my bottom lip asking me to open it. Before I could process Jake was leaning over me trailing kisses along my jaw and down my neck.


"Hmm." He said kissing my neck, I bit my lip to keep the moan I had on hold.

"Jacob." I said more strongly causing him to lean back and take a few breaths.

"Sorry, Nik."

"It's ok. Let's go watch the game with your dad; I'll make us some lunch."


I spent the entire day at Jacob's. I made some sandwiches for lunch and we scarfed them down, I had 3 Jake had 6 and his dad ate like a normal person should. After the game which the Seahawks won I decided to make dinner. I decided to make some stew, I grabbed out everything I needed and got cooking, there were no leftovers and as I was helping Jake in bed after his medicine I heard my phone ring in the other room.

"I need to get that, rest."

"Nikki thank you for everything. I love you."

"I love you too Jake." I said kissing his head and walking out. I grabbed my phone from my bag and answered it right before it went to voice mail. "Yes, brother dearest."

"Where are you?"

"I know Sam told you and you got my letter."

"I didn't think you'd be gone all day though."

"He needs me, Paul."

"Until he picks the leech lover again." He mumbled, unfortunately, I still heard him.

"I'll cross that bridge when I get there, I'll be home after patrol tomorrow night. Love you." I hung up before he could respond. I knew he was probably right but that didn't make it hurt any less.

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