4 Months of Bliss

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Jake and I had basically been inseparable since he got hurt. Each day we get better and better, I am beyond happy and everyone can see the difference, I wasn't depressed anymore, it seemed like no one could dampen my mood no matter how hard they tried. It took about a week and a half for me and Jacob to fall back into the groove of things. It was great when we weren't doing patrols we were at the beach, riding our bikes or at Sam's.

Right now we were at Jacob's house, his dad was gone until the morning with Charlie on one of their fishing trips. I was currently standing at the stove making steaks, as well as baked potatoes, salad, and some carrots. I came back to reality as I felt warm arms wrap around my waist and tug me back.

"Hello handsome how was patrol?"

"Good, uneventful."

"Good, go take a shower and dinner will be ready."

"I could get really used to this."

"Used to what?"

"Coming home to you." He said kissing my cheek and walking off. I felt myself blush as I grabbed some plates out of Jake's cabinets. I made us both a plate, mine consisted of 2 steaks potatoes some carrots, and a large ass salad with all the fixings. I made Jake his plate, piling on 4 steaks 2 baked potatoes and what was left of the carrots and salad. I bent down in the refrigerator grabbing us both a coke when I felt someone smack my ass.

"Jacob Ephraim Black." I said standing up as he laughed sitting down.


"Don't play innocent that hurt."

"I'll make it better."

"Dear god you sound like my brother." Jake ate his food like he hadn't eaten in days while I ate at a more normal pace. When Jake was done he pushed his plate before leaning back and rubbing his stomach.

"That was so good."

"Thank you."

"No, thank you." When we finished and washed the dishes, I washed he dried and put away we retreated to Jake's room. Before long Jake was kissing me passionately and had me under him on his bed; both of us with nothing on. That night was the most special night of my life, I was thankful Billy was not at home because it would have been beyond embarrassing because neither of us was very quiet. It was the sweetest, passionate loving night of my life and I couldn't imagine a better way for someone to lose their vcard. It sounds cliché as hell but it is what it is, Jacob Black was fucking perfect in every way imaginable.

Now we were walking to Sam's after a semi embarrassing morning. Billy had come into Jake's room to tell us breakfast was ready when he caught more than he bargained for. I and his son asleep in bed Jake's sheets were riding low on both our hips, it was clear neither of us had on clothes and I was just thankful that the way I had been lying he didn't see anything. Of course, he busted both our chops about it over breakfast but he wasn't mad, he just told us to be a little more careful.


"I mean at least put a sock on the door, that's what we used to do, see a sock don't come knock."

"Dad." Jake groaned in embarrassment as I laughed chocking on my orange juice.

"I'll keep that in mind Billy, and I'm sorry"

"Don't be I was young and in love myself little lady."


"Hey lovebirds."

"Hi." We waved at everyone as we walked into Sam and Em's. I walked over hugging Em and Leah before hugging my brother and taking a seat on Jake's lap. Sam began talking but was cut off by Quil about five minutes into it.

"Holy shit you guys fucked."

"QUIL" Emily scolded from the stove

"Oh, they so did look at that face." Embry said laughing. I felt Jake grip my waist tighter as he growled.

"Both of you shut up."

"Oh they did, he wouldn't be so mad and she's glowing."

"Guys stop, seriously." I said rubbing Jake's arm, he was starting to shake; he was getting over his limit.

"Nikole." I looked up at my brother who was sitting across from me shaking in anger. As soon as I looked at him he flung his chair back ripping me off Jacob's lap. I heard Jake growl in anger before my brother punched him in the face. The guys all jumping up separating them and throwing them outside. I ran jumping in between them before they both phased, I got there right as my brother did Jake shoving me roughly to the ground my brother's paw barely sweeping my hair.

"PAUL STOP NOW." I said standing up. My brother growled moving his head. "No I am not moving, you are not hurting him." I felt Jake pushing against my back and spun on him. "Goes for you to calm down."

"He just."

"Did exactly what any big brother would do to a guy who had sex with their baby sister." I heard Paul growl harshly as I looked at him. "Alexander Lahote calm the fuck down, I don't phase and fuck up every hoe you stick your dick in do I. Jacob's my imprint, Paul, I know you are mad but please don't do it, just let it go." I rubbed my brother's head before he growled and took off into the woods.

After that drama everything was ok, Paul didn't come back for a few hours and when he did wouldn't really talk to Jake but he wasn't too mad at me. He gave me that big brother look said he'd murder Jake for hurting me and then began eating.

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