Almost Time

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A/N: Sorry kind of short but having to start everything from scratch with 2 kiddos under 5 is a bit hard. But I do hope everyone enjoys it. :-)
The pic is the rings


We were gearing up for Alex's first birthday. It seemed so unreal that it had already been a year. We were having a baby mickey themed party as I was putting the final touches on the cake display. I decided to have cupcakes with little baby Disney character toppers and he had a larger cupcake as a smash cake. We got him a few clothes and a sports playset as well as a little car he could push around. I looked down as I felt a tug on my pants.

"Mama." I smiled bending down and picking up Alex. He was walking now and I felt like he never stopped moving.

"Hi, handsome boy."


I smiled as he pointed to the treats. "Not yet baby. Those are for later."


Watching the smile not only on my child's face but my fiancé was amazing. I still can't believe my child was a year old. Honestly, it's still hard to believe I'm actually a father. I watched Nikole as he smashed his cake offering her some. I wondered how she would look in her dress, I knew she had already gotten it. In fact, I knew that basically, everything was ready. Alice had told me when she scolded me about hurrying and finishing what I needed to with the guys. That and I needed to get her an actual wedding band. I just felt that everything I saw just wasn't good enough for her.


I was out with Alice because she was making me pick out rings. According to her, I had enough time stalling and I needed to find it before I lost it. As we were looking I stopped looking down. I saw a ring that was. I had turquoise around it and diamonds here and there. Something told me it was perfect. (I added a pic up top to show the rings)

"That." I said looking to Alice who was smiling. "What?"

"Nothing, it's absolutely perfect."


I smiled as Jake picked out the perfect ring. He had no clue but it matched the one Nikki had gotten him. His was silver and had turquoise wolves around it. The rings complemented one another perfectly. I knew this was the last piece and that in a couple of weeks' time they would not only be married but there would be another little surprise as well. Walking out of the store I took the small bag from Jake who looked at me.

"I can hide it, don't worry about it they won't get lost."


I hugged Alice thanking her again as we parted ways. I headed to my dad's to make a holder for the rings. I took a piece of wood and made it into a holder for our rings. It said I Do on the top and I put the date of our wedding on it. It was crazy to fathom that in 2 short weeks Nikole would finally be my wife.

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