Month of Pain

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I woke up feeling a pain in my lower back and groaned. I sat up glancing sadly at the empty place next to me. I slowly got up as I wiped the tears from my eyes as I waddled into the bathroom. I was currently 8 and half months pregnant and Jake still hadn't come home. To be honest he wouldn't even talk to me.

Ever since that night, he had proposed and I had said no everything was screwed up. He left that night and never came back, I saw him at Sam's but usually, if I showed up he left or stayed across the room. Everyone had tried to get us to talk, for him to speak to me, look at me and he wouldn't. I was going to the doctor every week and he never went with me. Paul or Leah went; I didn't know who was keeping Jake informed but someone was. I was keeping Billy and Rachel in the loop; hell even they had gone to the doctor with me. Every day I woke up in the house alone and went to bed to the eerie quietness that was over my house I cried. All I wanted was Jake, my family and I think I would never get it now.

Currently, I was in Alex's room. The window was up, a fan was on and a bandana was across my face. I was trying to finish painting his room so I could finish the nursery. I was finishing painting his walls blue and after it dried was going to place everything where it needed to be; ok more like Paul, Sam or Seth was going to move it. I looked up hearing a creak and dropped the paintbrush as I saw my brother in the door; Jake standing awkwardly behind him.

"Nikole, what the hell are you doing!?" My brother scolded as he walked into the room. I was too busy staring past him at Jake who looked around the room quietly.

"I, um, I was just trying to finish."

"You shouldn't be doing that; the smell is bad for you two." Paul said looking down at my stomach. I grimaced as another pain went through me; both of them noticed.

"What's wrong?" I looked up at Jake in shock as he spoke to me for the first time in over a month.

"I'm fine; just woke up having some pains. Carlisle said it was normal." Jake nodded at me as he moved so Paul and I could get around him. I followed Paul downstairs as he pushed me softly to sit on the couch before he grabbed my legs and put my feet on the ottoman.

"Relax, your practically ready to pop my nephew out, I'll finish his room."

"I'm done painting; it needs to dry before you do anything."

"Ok, so after a few hours what do I need to do?"

"Put his crib against the left wall, dresser on the wall with the door, glider in the corner, and bookcase next to it."

"What about pictures and stuff."

"I'll do it, I'm hanging his name over his crib, and you can help with it I might not be able to reach."

"Ok, the girls should be here in a bit, the guys and I can finish up here while you have your shower."

"Thank you; you're the best uncle ever."

"I know." My brother left a few minutes later and headed upstairs. I slowly stood making my way up the stairs. I was about to walk in the bedroom when I heard Paul's voice from in Alex's room.

"Dude, when are you going to stop torturing the two of you? She's fucking pregnant Jacob she needs you."

"She's fine without me."

"Are you fucking stupid; she cries herself to sleep every fucking night you're not with her. She feels like her relationship died and it was her fault. She wants to marry you your just too fucking stupid."

"Then she should have said yes." Jake said stubbornly. I wiped my face as silent tears poured down it.

"You're a fucking moron! She was scared, she didn't want you to feel obligated to marry her just because of a kid, she wanted it to be what you wanted not what you felt was necessary; any woman would feel that way; she has admitted she was wrong, she should have voiced her fears to you. You're the jackass that won't listen and keeps pushing her away punishing her for it."


"You what Jacob? You what? Come on what's wrong was the first thing you have said to her in over a month, you haven't even looked at her, do you know how she feels, how she is hurting. Didn't you promise to stop breaking her fucking heart, Jake."

"I did."

"Then stop lying, because right now you're breaking her heart worse than you ever have or could have done." Paul said angrily. I quickly walked into my bedroom before he opened the nursery door.

I couldn't believe Paul had said all he did to Jake or Jake's response. It was harsher than I would have thought and that hurt me; I really had fucked up with Jacob. I walked in the closet grabbing one of Jake's shirts. As I smelled it I felt Alex kick; he always did when I smelled something of Jake's like he could smell it too, thought daddy was around. I glanced up as I heard a sound and my eyes locked with Jake as he stood at the door. I bit my lip nervously as I looked at him. His eyes seemed to dart everywhere and I could tell he didn't want to keep looking at me.

"Um, I'm sorry. I had to borrow your shirt; it's kind of all that fits me right now." Jake barely glanced at me before he shrugged and opened his drawer that had his boxers in it.

As I watched him I saw he was sad but his pride wouldn't let him just drop it. I bit my lip trying to keep from crying. I sniffled walking out of the closet groaning in pain as my shoulder hit the door frame. I could tell Jake looked at me but I jerked his shirt off crying as I walked out. I jogged downstairs holding my hands over my bra covered chest as I noticed the rest of the guys in my kitchen.

"Um, can I borrow a shirt, please?"

"Nik, what's?"

"Paul just give me a damn shirt!" I snapped as I wiped my face. Paul took the shirt off his back and handed me it as he glared over my shoulder. I heard the creak of the stairs and knew Jake was behind me.

"You could have kept the shirt, Nikole." I turned to look at Jake who was standing awkwardly behind me. "It's just a shirt."

"Jake?" I said looking at him; he held his hand up and I felt my heartbreak.

"Don't, Present is on the table, have fun." He said placing his hand on my stomach briefly before he walked away and out the door

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