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After that, I did my best to make sure I wasn't around Jake. I didn't even go to Sam's unless I couldn't get out of it. Most of the time I had Paul or Leah tell me what was going on and I stayed away. I had managed to only see Jake a few times, at a bonfire that he brought Bella too, at Sam's twice because I couldn't get out of it and once when he had to switch off the patrol with me. I was practicing controlling myself because I no longer wanted to be here in La Push, I had managed with the help of Emily to talk Sam into letting me leave for a while, after our fight with the newborns next week I was going to go to live with my and Paul's mother for a while in Tacoma. All that was left was to tell everyone the news. Sam Emily and Leah knew already but no one including Paul did. Right now all the guys were sitting in Sam and Emily's living room I was standing next to Sam.

"Ok everyone shut up and listen." Sam said causing all the side conversation to stop. He then looked at me and nodded. I turned opening my mouth to speak to everyone but my gaze was focused on one person, my brother.

"Guys after the battle next week I'm going to be leaving." Paul's head shot up as he looked at me crazy.

"What do you mean you're leaving?"

"Paul I'm going to stay with mom for a while."

"YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Paul screamed as he jumped up lunging for Jake. Sam grabbed him and tossed him back on the sofa keeping his spot next to me.

"Paul knock it off and listen to your sister."

"It's because of him."

"I'm leaving for me."

"Look me in the eyes and tell me you're not leaving because of that bastard." Paul said coming and standing in front of me.

"I" I sighed looking away from my brother.

"I fucking knew it."

"You really want to do this to me right now, fine. He's part of the reason I am leaving, I can't stand being around him anymore, I'm sick of sitting next to him in class all day, I'm sick of seeing him here, on patrol, running around with a stupid bitch. I hate the way he smiles, the way his eyes squint when he's laughing, how he looks to the left when he tries to lie, how his hair is first thing in the morning. I hate knowing all his likes, dislikes, fears I hate those puppy dog brown eyes that I'm never mad at and you know what Paul I'm sick of him haunting me everywhere I go even in my dreams he's there and worst of fucking all I'm sick of being head over heels in love with my best friend when he doesn't love me. My heart can't fucking take anymore I lost my best friend and imprint before he even got to know any of it and you above anybody know how miserable I have been for the past year. I don't want to hurt any fucking more I just want it to stop." I said screaming out the last few sentences as my eyes filled with tears I was trying to choke back.

"This is your entire fault." Paul said roughly to Jake before grabbing me and hugging me tightly.

"It's not his fault hulk."


"It isn't his fault I fell in love with him."

"Paul you should let her finish." I glared at Sam who gave me a sympathetic look. He knew I needed to get this over with and this would be the part where Paul really lost it.

"I took my ACT early."


"I got three points shy of perfect." A chorus of congratulations rang out but I couldn't find it anywhere in me to be happy anymore.

"I got accepted early to UDub and I want to go." I closed my eyes as I felt Paul pull away from me.

"So you're leaving and not coming back when the fuck where you even going to tell me."

"Paul." I went to grab him but he jerked away from me, the action causing me to flashback to the day I imprinted on Jacob; he did the same exact thing. I went to speak when Paul shook his head at me storming out of Emily's the door roughly slamming behind him. I laughed sighing as the tears finally fell down my face.

"You have officially taken everything from me, Jacob Black." I said turning to look at him.

"You're such an asshole; just admit you love her already." Leah screamed glaring at Jacob.

"I LOVE BELLA!" Jacob roared at Leah causing the entire house to shake. I swallowed the sob back in my throat before it came out as my chest throbbed.

"Look me, no fuck that. LOOK HER IN THE EYES AND TELL HER YOU DON'T LOVE HER." Leah screamed back coming to stand in Jacob's face.

"BACK OFF." Jake growled shaking lightly.

"LEAH, cool it. Jacob calm down." Sam said harshly.

"He's full of shit and lying." Leah said looking over at Sam.

"It's not our place Leah."

"Figures you'd say that bullshit."

"Leah." I said softly looking at her.

"Nikki he's fucking lying, we all know it."

"I don't care anymore, Leah." I said in defeat, I just couldn't deal with it anymore.

"What." Jake said softly as he turned and looked at me for the first time in months since before he attacked me before quickly averting his gaze.

"I said I don't care anymore, I'm glad you're happy. I'll always." I trailed off, I wanted more than anything to actually say I love you to his face; instead, I turned and walked out of Sam's I wondered to the cliffs before collapsing on the ground in tears as I listened to the ocean.

Legends of TruthTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon