Losing your Best Friend

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I watched Jake hand Emily an envelope and as she opened it her eyes glassed over. After a few minutes, she looked back up smiling brightly at Jake and me.

"You two are going to be great parents." She said hugging me.

"Emily I am scared." I whispered into her ear.

"We are all here for you, it will be ok."

"Sam." I said pulling back from Emily. "We got something else to talk about. Carlisle said I can't phase, at least not until after birth."

Before he could talk Jake's phone suddenly started going off. Jake pulled his phone out looking at it before excusing himself and going outside. I sat down at the table next to Leah and leaned my head on her shoulder.

"You ok?"

"Little lightheaded," I mumbled. I took a nausea pill Carlisle had given me. I looked up at Emily as she set a cup in front of me.

"Some tea should help." She said softly.

"Thank you." A few minutes later Jake came back with a hard worried look on his face.

"What is it, Jacob?" Sam asked looking at him.

"We have a problem."

"Such as?"

"The Volturi."

"Who?" I asked looking at him.

"Vampires like royalty, they came here during the newborn battle but we had left. They think Nessie is an immortal child which is forbidden. They are coming to slaughter everyone; it will leave the people of both Forks and La Push vulnerable if we don't help." Jake said as he looked over at me worried.

"Looks like we got a fight, when will they be here."

"We need to meet with them tomorrow but apparently when the snow sticks is what Alice saw." Sam nodded before looking over at me.

"Sam she can't phase, she is defenseless." Jake said getting upset. I stood up walking over to him and touching his arm. He jerked towards me and to be honest it scared me. The look in his eyes it wasn't him, he was losing himself.

"Calm down now Jacob." I said sternly, before gently rubbing his face. He closed his eyes for a second before pulling me to him hugging me.

"I don't know what to do Nikki."

"Easy, you protect the people who live here."

"They don't mean what you do to me! You can't defend yourself right now and I'm just supposed to leave you."



"You will, it is your job to protect people Jacob. I will be ok."

"How can."

"Shh." I said leaning up and softly kissing him. After kissing him I finally got him to shut up. I understood his worry, I felt it too but I knew what needed to be done and what was right. I sat with Jake while everyone went over a plan of sorts. I leaned my head on him, feeling tired. The next thing I knew Jake was softly shaking me.

"Nik wake up babe."

"Hmm." I said sitting up.

"Ready for me to take you home?"

"Please." Jake helped me up and slipped my jacket over my shoulders. Once we made it to his car he held open the door for me before getting in the car himself. We made the quick drive to my house and I got out of Jake's car. I could hear him behind me as I pulled my key out walking up the porch steps. I put my key in the lock and was shocked when I turned the knob and nothing happened. I tried again and got the same result.

"What the hell." I muttered. I sighed and started knocking on the door. "Paul! Let me in, the door is locked!" I banged harder after a few minutes and finally heard my brother's voice from his window upstairs. I walked back off the porch so I could see him. "Hey, can you please come to unlock the door."


"What, why please my key don't work." Paul's head disappeared out of the window and I sighed making my way back to the porch when a thud made me stop and turn. I looked on the ground seeing the big black and pink Nike duffle bag I owned lying on the ground. I looked back up at Paul as one more bag landed at my feet; Jake growled looking at Paul.

"Paul, what are you doing?"

"Giving you your shit. Feel free to play house now." He said going to shut the window.

"Paul." I said, my voice starting to crack.

"Shut up Nikole! You are so naïve and fucking stupid you wanna throw your fucking life away with him go ahead but you aren't doing it here." He said angrily.

"I, Paul I didn't mean for this to happen yet, it's not like I can change it now."

"Yeah well, you can live with the consequences. Go live with Jake."

"I need you."

"Not anymore. I am done picking up the pieces of you that Jake breaks and putting you back together again."

"You're my brother." I said as the tears fell down my face.

"Not anymore." He said before shutting the window and walking away.

"PAUL!" I cried out.

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