A Perfect Life

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A/N: I can't believe the end is here I'm gonna cry. I have loved writing this and have been amazed by how much everyone has enjoyed this. Thank you so much for reading and all the likes and comments. I hope now that this is over you can enjoy one of my other stories as well. I do also have 3 other Twilight stories I am working on. One about Jake and 2 about Paul. There is also one I kind of stopped on my stories about Jake that I may pick back up I've just been stuck as I hit a block with that story. Again thank you guys so so much you rock!!


I groaned hearing the kids argue again. As much as they got along they also argued like cats and dogs. I looked at Jake who smirked, shaking his head getting up.

"Knock it off!" He said, raising his voice. The kids dropped everything and got quiet immediately, even the ones who were innocent, then again Jake radiated that alphaness in his voice and damn was it sexy.

"Dad she-"

"Alexander William Black, she is your sister, be nice and Sarah quit messing with him, you are siblings act like it." He said sternly.

"Yes sir." They said looking at him. Sarah looked ready to cry and Jake bent kissing her head, a smile immediately gracing her face. She was his pride and joy and had that man wrapped around her finger from the minute she was born.

I couldn't believe I had a ten your old and a twelve-year-old, he was going to be a teenager soon, lord help me. Time really does fly and things change so much. Alex looked exactly like Jake and Sarah was beautiful

 Alex looked exactly like Jake and Sarah was beautiful

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The Cullens had finally moved a couple of years ago up to Alaska with the Denali's, trying to keep up the ploy of why no one aged was becoming too much, Seth, of course, unable to leave Ness left with them although they all came to visit quietly w...

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The Cullens had finally moved a couple of years ago up to Alaska with the Denali's, trying to keep up the ploy of why no one aged was becoming too much, Seth, of course, unable to leave Ness left with them although they all came to visit quietly when they could, Seth and Ness more so than the others. Sam and Emily had gotten married and had twins, a son, and daughter, Sam, and Emilia. Sam became beta about 4 years ago, Jake officially taking over the two packs. Leah had met her imprint, a really sweet and cute guy named Ryleigh

 Leah had met her imprint, a really sweet and cute guy named Ryleigh

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who had moved to Forks to teach about 8 months after I had Sarah. He had come to the beach one day while everyone was hanging out literally ran into her and bam. I felt so happy for her, she had waited so long to have the pain from Sam gone and it was in an instant. They have a newborn son Noah Jacob. Leah wanted to honor Jake because of the friendship they had started back when everything happened with the Cullens. Kim and Jared were married and had a son JJ as we called him since he was named after Jared. Sue and Charlie got married, Billy had been on a few dates with the nurse Jake had to help him every now and then but he never settled with anyone, his soul mate had been his wife and without her, he didn't really want anyone else. Quil had moved in with Emily and Sam to help and be close with Claire who was 13 now, she had a crush on him and it was cute, much to the annoyance of Emily. Embry had met his imprint Giselle about 5 years ago and got engaged to her a few months ago.

I had sent the guys Sam, Jake, Quil, Jared, my brother and Embry to a Seahawks game

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I had sent the guys Sam, Jake, Quil, Jared, my brother and Embry to a Seahawks game. E happened to bump into a girl and that was the end of it, he managed with Paul's smooth-talking ass to get her number and the rest is history.

Speaking of Paul, he finally asked Rachel a couple of months after I had Sarah to marry him. He hiked with her in the woods going to this little cove by the beach and asked her. They got married 6 months later at the beach. I was his best woman, he said he didn't want anyone else with him but me, well the guys were in it too but Paul said I had been his rock our whole life and as much as Jared was his best friend I was the one who needed and deserved that spot. He got her pregnant in a heartbeat and they had a daughter. The boy crazy former manwhore had a daughter Nisara Aurora Lahote. They had combined My name and Rach and Jake's mom Sarah to get Nisara. Paul was an amazing father, he spoiled the hell out of Nisara, anything my niece wanted she got and my nephew was a little heartbreaker like his dad and was flirting with anyone who would notice. 7 and a little playboy in the making Xavier Harry Lahote was a handful and not only looked like his dad but acted like him as well. Paul and Rach had moved out once they got engaged but had built a small home next to Jake and I. Our backyards basically combined. We had all spent so much time together being apart was hard, especially for Paul and I who were still as close as ever. Rachel and he were expecting another baby and Paul almost fainted when the balloon the busted was filled with pink and blue confetti, my brother was having twins and he was clueless but as amazing of a father as he had turned out to be I knew he would be ok. I leaned back on Jake as he sat back down, all the kids running around playing as we sat watching them. We all still got together once a week having a cookout and hanging out, our kids were all friends and I loved when we all spent time together, we had all been through so much together. I took the drink Paul gave me as he sat down and gave Jake a beer. If someone would have told me life would have ended up like this I would have laughed in their face but now as I sat here watching the fire as the kids ran around and our pack talked, Jake wrapped his arms around me as I cuddled with him, I couldn't be happier or imagine life any other way.

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