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I awoke the next morning hearing Rachel move around the room, I have always been cool with Jacob's sisters but ever since I ran back into Rachel we have become damn near best friends, for some reason I feel very protective of her. I sat up rubbing my face and yawning while she fixed her makeup. I got up throwing on a UDub t-shirt and some skinny jeans. I threw my hair up in a messy bun and grabbed my bag and Rachel's.


"Yeah, thanks for rising with me."

"More like thanks for the ride, Rach." As she climbed in the car I opened the trunk on her little grey Acura before putting our bags in and climbing in the front seat next to her. Four hours later we were pulling up to that little red house where part of my heart would forever be. It felt weird being here; I felt the little tug in my chest already as being able to slightly smell Jake. When we drove through Fork's and had the windows down I really smelled him; he was staying in Forks, probably with the leeches and Bella. As Rach got out I slowly followed behind her leaving my bags in the car, she walked up the porch knocking on the door. It came open fast and I heard a voice.

"About time, who are you." I jerked my head towards the voice, Paul. As I looked up I noticed two different things, A, my brother was here at Jakes and B, and he was staring at Rachel Black like she was the only living thing on the planet. He went from annoyed it was her at the door and not I to a look of pure shock and adoration was in his eyes. My big brother just imprinted on Jacob's sister.

"I'm Rachel Black, who are you." Paul still was staring at her so I decided to step in.

"That is my annoying brother Paul. Paul meet Rachel Black." Paul shook his head before turning on that smile he used to get any girl he wanted, only this time it was different, something about it was different.

"Hi, I'm Paul Lahote."

"Rachel, nice to meet you too."

"Your dad is inside come in." He stepped aside letting Rachel in before following her, I grabbed his arm before he could making him turn to me.

"Hi jerkface I missed you, and congratulations I guess."

"I missed you to brat and thank you." He said hugging me.

"For what."

"Bringing my soul mate home with you."

"You need to tell her dad." I said walking off. I found Billy in the living room holding Rachel tight in his arms with tears in his eyes. Rachel hadn't been home in years.

"Where's Jacob?" Rachel said looking around

"He is with a few friends, Nikole honey nice to see your face around here again."

"Hi Billy, how have you been."

"Still kicking." I smiled; being in this house was hard, to be honest.

"Ready to go to Sam's?" I nodded at Paul who was sitting with his arm around the back of the couch that Rachel happened to be sitting on.

"Sure." I answered as he stood and held out his hand from me.

"Bill we're going to head to Sam's."

"K, see you, kids, later, be safe. It's good to have you home Nikole."

"Thanks, Billy." I said hugging him, "See ya, Rach."

"Yeah see you guys." She said as she looked at my brother, he grabbed her hand gently kissing it causing Rachel to blush.

"Nice to meet you."

"You too Paul." Once we hit the trees I stopped and pulled off my shirt, Paul stopping and laughing.

"What's so funny."


"What about me?"

"Rush to phase"

"I missed it, I mean I still do it every few days around campus and everything but it's different being back home. I missed it." Paul nodded before dropping his shorts and phasing.

"Wanna race."

"Sure." I said taking off.

"You cheated." I laughed as I pushed my legs to stay ahead of Paul. I came to a skidding stop at the edge of Emily's phasing and throwing on my clothes. I then ran towards the door opening in and screaming.

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