Talk with Dad

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"So yeah we're going to the movies tomorrow want to join."

"Sure what time."


"Sounds good." I watched them silently from the forest, I had eventually found myself moving closer and closer to them just watching and listening to their conversation. I could tell Jake was in love with her, but I also saw the signs she didn't see him that way. He didn't care; he wanted her and not me. Jake would never want me, he was in love with Bella Swan and I hated it; I was to be his friend something I didn't want but would always be. I hated imprinting, I wanted to be in love I wanted to be happy, just like Sam and Emily and Jared and Kim; but for me, that wasn't in the cards. I heard a twig snap behind me and spun around ready to attack but calmed down when I saw Sam.

"It's going to happen soon, Nikole."

"I know, even she has commented a few times about how hot he feels."

"You know it's all going to be ok."

"It doesn't feel like it." I growled quietly and swiped my face with my paw wiping the new tears. Sam walked up nudging me with his head giving me the best hug he could while we were phased. Sam was like another big brother to me, he was rational in control one.


I was sitting on the couch watching movies with Paul when we heard an odd howl, we both looked to one another.

"Who was?"

"Someone new just phased that wasn't Sam or J." He said hopping up. My chest tightened as I stayed in place.

"Jake." I softly whispered causing Paul to turn around. He looked at me before going out the door me quickly on his heels. I was tugging my clothes off from the moment the door shut not caring anymore I shifted running past my brother towards where Sam was. I could already hear them.

"What's going on?"

"Jacob you need to calm down."


"Jacob it's me Sam the legends are true calm down it will all be ok." I heard Jacob whimper and I blocked my mind out the best I could as I ran to where they were at, In Billy's backyard, Billy was on the back porch watching helplessly as his son went through his transformation. Billy knew it was coming he had talked to Sam weeks ago, but still this sucked, I walked past them not being able to be this close to Jake and walked to Billy. Jake turned his head growling at me before Paul tackled him on the ground.

"SHE WON'T HURT HIM BLACK." I walked up bowing my head a nudging Billy with my head. He laughed rubbing it.

"Hi sweetheart, you doing ok." I shook my head no as I glanced back at Jake. He was beautiful, he was a russet-colored wolf and his fur matched my spot, I was all white but had a mark over my heart that was heart-shaped but was russet colored fur.

"Like I said it will be ok, he does love you, Nikki, he always has. Phase while they aren't looking and go in the house, let them handle this you can help me. There are some of the girls' clothes still here." I nodded as Billy closed his eyes and put his hand over them. I quickly shifted there on the porch before running inside. I ran to Rachel's room opening her closet, I grabbed a pair of shorts, that really looked bad on me, they were too short, I was 5'11 and Jakes sister was 5'6" but I made due, the shirt I grabbed stopped at my belly button, I then walked back out seeing Billy in the living room.

"Thank you."

"No problem now sit." I sat watching as Billy looked at me, my eyes every now and then scanning the backyard where the guys had moved to the tree line trying to get Jacob to phase back before they headed to Emily's to explain all this to him. "You imprinted didn't you?" I glanced at Billy before looking down, how did he always know this stuff.


"On Jacob?" I could only nod as tears filled my eyes again; I hated seeing him with Bella knowing that he didn't love me.

"You two are destined, quit worrying about Bella, the gods chose you for him there was no mistake. He's just hardheaded so please don't give up on him."

"He loves her."

"No he thinks he does, but he loves you, be patient with him."

"You know I'll be what he needs."

"I know you will, I'm glad it was you." I smiled as Billy rolled over hugging me tightly as well as wiping the tears from my eyes. I didn't realize I had started to cry. We looked up as the door opened and Paul walked in.

"You ok."

"Yeah, is he ok?"

"Scared, mad, and were heading to Emily's he needs clothes." I nodded getting up and going into Jake's room, I quickly grabbed a pair of shorts, boxers, and a beater throwing them to my brother. He jogged out saying goodbye to Billy before turning to me.

"You coming."

"I have to. Billy thank you." I said hugging him before going to follow my brother.

"Remember what I said, Nikole."

"I will, dad." I replied seeing his smile widen before I hopped off the porch running up to Paul.

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