Long Day

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I stared at the sleeping face of my son not even looking up as the door opened. Jake sat a glass and small plate on the stand next to me before sitting on the edge of the bed.

"You ok?" Jake asked as I yawned nodding.

"Mhmm, tired, but I don't wanna let him go."

"Eat, rest."


"Baby rest, you did all the work, rest I got him." I looked up as the door opened and Paul walked in; Rachel wheeling Billy in behind him. I smiled as Jake helped me sit up as my brother walked up to me hugging me.

"You did great little sister."

"Thanks." I said as he stepped back taking Alex out of Jake's arms. Rachel walked up next to the bed hugging me softly.

"Feeling ok."

"You ever have a kid make sure to get medicine."

"Nikole you did great baby, you didn't need medicine."

"Oh yes I did, of course, it was easy for you, you stood there doing nothing." We stopped bickering as Billy started laughing.


"Oh nothing, just you two sound awfully like someone I knew 22 years ago." I smiled knowing he was talking about himself and Jake and Rachel's mom.

"Hey, Billy can I ask you and Rachel something."


"Ok thanks and before you freak this means nothing and damn sure not for a very, very, very long period of time but if we ever have a girl would it be ok with the three of you if Sarah's name was somewhere in hers?"

"Yes." Billy said without a second beat.

"Yes." Rachel said hugging me. Jake stood looking shocked.

"Jake, it doesn't mean now, we just had him, I'm not even thinking of that, I was just."

"It's fine, I just, that really means a lot Nik." I looked up as the rest of the guys walked in slowly behind Sam, well except for all the new young ones, they had been sent home before the shower had begun.

"Hey, Nik." I smiled at Sam as he walked in, I smiled and hugged each of the guys as they gave me hugs and gushed over the newborn in Billy's arms.

"I wanna hold him." Seth muttered making me laugh.

"You can tomorrow."


"Seth, we just had him. Let us breathe and get used to this and let those three get to know him. You all can come back tomorrow afternoon and see him." Jake said pointing to the door

"Afternoon, really?"

"Seth David Clearwater don't you hound them. All of you have said hello and seen them now go home and don't any of you come back before that clock strikes noon or I'm kicking your ass." Sue said making everyone laugh as everyone slowly said bye and made their way out of the room.

It was midnight before my brother, Billy, Rachel, Sue, and Carlisle finally left. As our family finally trailed out the door I yawned tiredly as Jake lay Alex in his bassinet. Jake hopped in the shower leaving the door cracked and the last thing I remember is hearing the shower turn on and staring at Alex.


I turned the water off as I grabbed a towel and dried off. Today had been so crazy, I never would have thought that this morning that by tonight I would be a father. It scared the hell out of me, Nik and I had been in a bad place, made up and had a kid all in the same day but I wouldn't change it for anything. Slipping on some boxers I walked into the bedroom to see Nikole sleeping peacefully on the bed her head tilted like she had been watching Alex and feel asleep.

Walking to his bassinet I looked in to see him sleeping peacefully his mouth hanging open in a small pout.

"I love you." I said kissing his head softly before I crawled gently in bed behind Nikole.

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