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"I'm sorry Jake." I went to step towards Paul when I was stopped again.

"Stay, just talk to me for a bit, stay, please." He asked, it really didn't seem like a question with him having an alpha tone behind it. Jake might not be able to hear us anymore but he could tell when he used that voice earlier I listened. Jake may be dumb but he isn't stupid.

"Leave her alone Black." Paul growled walking towards Jake.

"Paul stop, let's go." Sam said using his tone.

"Not without her."

"She'll come back, let them talk Paul."

"So you're just going to let him alpha order my little sister around."

"Paul, they are imprints, they need to talk some of their issues out dammit now let's go." Sam said in a low tone. I glanced at Sam in worry, it made me nervous Jake having the power he did over me.

"It's ok Nik, he won't hurt you." I looked at Sam realizing he was listening to my worry. I nodded as I jogged behind a tree and phased quickly tossing my clothes on. I ran back out seeing Paul's tail in the forest.

"Paul!" I yelled causing him to stop before he could turn I ran to him locking my arms around his neck in a tight hug. Him being in his form I couldn't get my arms all the way around him but he got the point.

"I love you so much, brother." I felt Paul rub his head against me trying to hug back the best he could. "Paul I'm scared." I whispered pulling back. I saw him shake his head no at me, don't be scared. "Ok, I won't, I'll be home later ok." He nodded before following the path the guys had taken. I stood watching where he went, I didn't move until I heard a soft voice.

"Nikole." I turned to see Jake looking at me. He walked up to me before speaking again. "Can we go somewhere to talk?" I honestly didn't trust my voice so I simply nodded before following him into the forest. We stopped once we hit the stream that divided our land from the Cullen's. It was very serene and peaceful here.

"Nikole I, shit I honestly don't know where to start." I kept staring out at the water, not trusting myself to talk. "Look, I know I have been an ass to you, I, I don't know what to say. Nikole, I am sorry for making you feel like you aren't enough for me, like your second best, like

I don't care for you. I care for you more than I have anybody, your amazing, funny, beautiful, my best friend, all I could hope for in someone and more, and I have done everything to not only destroy that but you and I am sorry. You haven't deserved that all you have ever deserved was my love but I was too stupid and blind to see it. I let my, I let someone else take a place above you that they never should have had. Being with you are the best times of my life and when we finally started to date I was ecstatic, I had my imprint, I had the world. Getting that invitation, I was over her but I didn't really think she would go through with it, that she would change her mind, value life more, I left to get my head straight, to think, to mourn my friend, and in doing so broke your heart and pushed you away from more to the point you gave up on us and left."


"Nik just, I gotta get this out.  I am so proud of you, Leah finally filled me in after we saw you had come home, I am so unbelievable proud of you, for accomplishing all you have and I know it was my fault for pushing you to that point and I am sorry I never wanted you to leave or feel like you needed to. Nikole, I love you I have since we were kids, I know I that we probably will never be the same again and I deserve that and as much as I want to be with you I want you to be happy with or without me and I pray that one day you let me make it up to you. I just, I'm so sorry Nikki."

I looked up taken back as Jake fell to his knees in front of me. As I looked in his eyes I saw the tears welled up in his eyes and as he blinked they feel down his face. His eyes held more love and devotion then I had seen in anyone, including between Sam and Emily. I leaned down on my knees taking Jake's face into mine. I smiled as he leaned his head into my hand as I wiped his tears away.

"Say it again."

"I love you Nikole Lahote."

"I love you too Jacob Black." I said softly as I hugged him against me. I knew he heard me I could hear his heartbeat flutter and it made me smile, even more so as Jake wrapped his arms around me hugging me tightly. I felt tears fall from my eyes and didn't bother holding it in. I honestly was in so much shock by this point, the fight, Jake, everything. Jake leaned back leaning against a tree as I moved to sit between his legs.

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