Untitled Part 54

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I gently lifted Alex in my arms as I gave him a bottle. Nikki had been up all night doing finals and hadn't gotten much sleep. I looked at the ring in my hand twirling it between my fingers.

"Think I should give this to your mommy?" I questioned softly as I was meet with a gurgle. "Want to help me?" I smiled at him as I changed him and got him dressed.

I smiled looking at the onesie my sister had helped me with getting. It was white and had blue writing with the words 'Mommy will you marry my Daddy' on the front of it. I gently tied the ring around Alex's waist as I lifted him in my arms. I walked into Nik and I's bedroom as she sat up smiling at us. As I handed her Alex I turned him at the last second so she could see his onesie. I watched as her eyes scanned the words on his chest before she looked up at me with watery eyes.

"Are you?"

"Nikole, will you marry me?"

"Yes." She said softly as she blinked and tears fell from her eyes. I grabbed the ring from Alex and slipped it on her finger before kissing her.


I cried in joy as Jake and I kissed. My heart swelled with love at the moment I was entangled with. Not only had he proposed again he had done it in the cutest most perfect way possible; such a Jake way. Dressing up Alex, having him hold the ring, I was so in love with Jake. The past few months have been really hard, we hardly sleep. All I do is feed or play with Alex, clean or cook and do homework; Jake on the other hand does patrols, sleeps, helps with Alex. It's really hard and Paul and Rachel have basically been staying here the majority of the time. I mean it helps us out, I appreciate it but I just want Jake.

"Are you sure?" I asked softly pulling away as I looked at my ring.


"This is beautiful Jake, how the hell did you ever get this?"

"It was my mom's." I looked up at Jake in shock that he had given me something so special, so sacred.

"Oh my, Jake, are you, wow, are you sure I should have this."

"I was meant to give it to the love of my life, that's you, Nikole, this ring has always been yours since the day I met you."

I smiled brightly as I kissed him softly as I heard the door open turning my head. Paul and Rachel stood in the doorway smiling as they looked at us. Rachel looked ecstatic and my brother nodded at Jacob with a smirk before turning and smiling at me. He looked proud, happy, and content. Something I was completely unused to seeing in my older brother.

"So finally did it huh?" Paul asked smirking at Jake.

"Shut up."

"So did ya say yes this time?" Paul said looking at me.

"Yes, smartass I did." I said rolling my eyes as my brother hugged me.

"Good, so how is my amazing nephew."

"Good, big. Sue said he's 13 pounds."

"Well, you two are going on a damn date you haven't been out together in like 6 months or more."

"We can't we have too much, I have school, he has a patrol, besides who would watch Alex."

"You're on break this week, I already got patrol covered for him and Rach and I are watching Alex."

"Paul's right Nikki, you two be ready by 6 you have dinner reservations at 7."

"Um ok, where, like what do I need to wear."

"Nothing too dressy."

I looked over at Jake not sure how to respond. On one hand, I would love to go out with him, I missed it. Hell to be honest a date was something that was long overdue for us and we needed. At the same time, I'm sure both of us would be much better with sleeping uninterrupted. I don't think I had gotten a full night sleep in what felt like forever; because even pregnant some nights were very hard.

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