New Arrival

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I jumped as I heard the guys all holler and whoop downstairs. boys', loud-ass idiots. I really was hungry.

"You can have a popsicle, no food until after. Are you still not wanting medication." I looked at Sue as she stood next to the bed.

"No, I wanna hold out as long as- AH!" I clutched my stomach as I felt tears in my eyes. At that time I felt the same thing I had earlier only this time I wasn't in the tub so this damn sure wasn't me moving in the water. "What the fuck." I said glancing at the bed and floor as water dripped between my legs.

"And so the water breaks, lie back. I'll grab the girls." I watched Sue get up and walk swiftly to the door. "LEAH, EMILY, AND JACOB! COME HERE NOW!"

As Sue yelled I heard very heavy footsteps as Jake came to a halt his chest rising and falling rapidly. Behind him were, Leah and Emily as well as my brother.

"What's going on?" Paul asked frantically.

"Nothing is wrong; her water broke so I need them to help and him to get his ass ready for parenthood."

"Shit! Nik you ok?" I laughed smiling at my big brother.

"Yeah, aside from my innards ripping apart I'm great." He chuckled as he pats Jake on the shoulder.

"Good luck, I'll go get your dad." Paul said walking away. Jake walked up to me holding my hand.

"You ok baby?"

"Mhmm." I said as Sue moved to check me again.

"Woah" I looked away from Jake and to Leah who was standing at the end of the bed in shock. She looked up at me before down again and back at me. "I can see his head."

"What?" Jake asked shocked.

"I can see his head." She said slowly as she grabbed him. She dragged Jake to stand next to her and as he looked at me his eyes widened and watered.

"Nikole the next contraction you feel you need to push ok?" Sue asked looking up at me. "Jake you may need to hold her leg."

"Ok." Jake moved back to stand next to me. I gripped his hand tightly as I looked up at him scared. I was nervous all of a sudden, what if I couldn't do this, what if something was wrong.

"Nikole push." I closed my eyes and pushed only nothing happened, at least that's how it felt.

Forty minutes later I was pissed off, in a shit ton of pain and covered in sweat. I was ready to give up, much to Leah's amusement I had asked if it was too late to say no to medication.

"Sorry baby doll afraid so." Sue said looking up at me just as another contraction hit. "Push."

"I can't, Jake I can't do this." I said looking up at him.

"Yes you can, I know you can baby. You're doing great" He said placing his head against mine. "Just look at me and push gorgeous."

I looked into Jake's warm brown eyes and felt a renewed strength as cliché as it sounds. I pushed as hard as I could as I squeezed his hand. I was rewarded with a loud cry filling the room that caused the daze Jake and I both was in to fade as our heads jerked towards the sound where Emily held a wailing infant in her arms. I watched as Sue stood as Carlisle walked into the room. Jake looked over as Carlisle handed him a pair of scissors. I watched as Sue helped Jake cut the umbilical cord as Carlisle stitched me up. I wasn't even aware that he had arrived, but I guess someone had called him. Jake walked up holding our son tightly in his arms as he smiled brightly with tears of happiness running down his tanned cheeks. Walking up he placed him gently on my chest as he softly kissed me.

"He's so fucking perfect Nikole. I love you so much." He cried softly.

I couldn't even answer Jacob as tears fell from my eyes as I looked at our son's sleeping face. He looked like Jacob, his lips, his nose, his chubby little cheeks. I had seen a few baby pictures of Jake and our son looked like his twin. Alex started crying and I gently tried to soothe him to no avail making me look up at Sue.

"He's hungry." With that Sue helped me get him to latch on and I started feeding him as Jake walked out of the room.


I wiped my face as I shut the door softly behind me. Nikole was breastfeeding our son, my son, my absolutely perfect amazing son. I walked downstairs in a daze, I still had blood and fluid on my chest from Alex but I took a napkin from Leah and wiped my chest as I walked into the room. Paul shot up as everyone looked at me, I looked at my friends, my sister, my dad and I already felt my eyes watering again.

"He's perfect." I muttered quietly as I cried. Rachel jumped up hugging me tightly and I hugged her burying my head into her shoulder as she rubbed my back. "You have to see him, he, she."

"How's my sister Jacob?"

"Fine, she's feeding him."


I looked up at the ceiling as a loud wail rang across the house. I smiled brightly as I looked down at Rachel who hugged my waist tighter. I looked at the clock on the wall at 9:47 pm. We all looked up as Jake walked into the room a few minutes later, smile on his face and tears down his face.

"He's perfect." He muttered as tears came from his eyes as Rachel let go of me prancing into his arms hugging her little brother tightly.

"How's my sister Jacob?" I asked causing him to look up at me.

"Fine, she's feeding him." I nodded at him smiling.

"Jacob?" We all turned to Sue who had a paper in her hands.


"Take her this water and some food honey." Jake nodded as he took it and darted upstairs as Sue walked to Billy and handed him the paper.

"What is it?" I asked.

"His birth certificate. He weighed 8 lbs. 11 ounces was 21 inches long and is perfectly a-ok, so is your sister. Just tired and sore. I know how she is so I'm telling all of you she is to take it easy the next 6 weeks. Extra healing or not 6 weeks no less. She's gonna hate it but you pamper the hell out of her, she better not have to cook or clean, her body needs to heal."

"Yes ma'am, it ok if I see her."

"Yes you guys can go visit, just keep it quiet and don't stay forever she needs rest."

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