Untitled Part 56

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"First I love you too little sis, second Rachel is the second-best thing to happen to me because the first has been and will always be the moment I got you as a sister. I know I'm an asshole and I'm sorry for every wrong thing I have ever done to you, sometimes I take my feelings to the extreme but I have always wanted the best for you, you're my best friend. I'm so fucking proud of you and the woman you're becoming, things haven't been exactly easy and you have taken it with a grace people older than you can't and you made me an uncle. You're freaking superwoman."

"I'd rather be Wonder Woman but ok." I said laughing.

"Are you guys ok?" We both turned to look over at Rachel who stood in the open door looking at us in worry. Paul and I looked at one another smirking before stepping apart.

"Everything is great Rach, just thanking the greatest guy ever besides your brother." Rachel smiled at us as she shook her head.

"You two are so cute."

"Cute, really babe you're gonna ruin my rep." Paul said laughing as she hit his stomach. I smiled at them taking in the happiness on my brother's face. Whoever knew little playboy forever bachelor Paul Lahote would ever settle down.

"Ok as much as I love this moment we are having Nik you and Jake gotta go."

"Ok, ok let me go say bye to my baby." I said walking back in.

Jake was walking back and forth quietly singing softly in Quileute. I paused smiling at him as Rachel and Paul stopped talking as they stopped behind me. I looked at Jake in awe until he turned around jumping in shock as his face turned red.


"I freaking love you." I said walking up to him and kissing his cheek.

I bent my head kissing the sleeping Alex on the head. Jake handed him to Rachel as I rubbed his back. I really didn't want to leave him, this was my first time and I didn't like it. I kissed him again before I grabbed Jake's hand as we walked out the door. We had a new car thanks to the Cullen's because as according to Rose' the mutts car is not fit for a beautiful child. So we now had a black four-door Volvo. Best gift ever practically, they had been awesome and after everything that happened there was a new peace, and everyone got along. Everything we all had been through together had brought us all closer; it was like one big really loud and crazy family. I smiled as Jake held the door open for me after he let me in and shut the door he went to his side and got in the car quickly starting it. As we drove he moved one hand off the wheel gripping my hand tightly as he rubbed the ring that now occupied my finger.

"Have I told you how beautiful you are?"

"Jake shut up." I giggled.

"I'm serious Nikki your gorgeous."

"Thank you, and you're pretty damn good looking yourself handsome."


"So where are we going?"

"Got reservations in Seattle at some Italian place Bella and Edward said was good; it's on the beach, and then we are seeing a movie."

"Sounds good."

"Is it bad I'd rather sleep no offense, a date night is amazing but-"

"I was thinking that earlier." I said making us both laugh. "I mean getting out and having our time is amazing but 8 hours of sleep sounds pretty good too."

"8, I think I need at least 12."

"Jacob, I love you." I said softly stopping him from talking.

"I love you too Nikole."

I couldn't believe how lucky I was, or how in the world I had been lucky enough to have Jake be a part of my life; Let alone be the part of my life he was, he was perfect and even through all the ups and downs we had had, the negatives we'd been through we always came out on top. Before I knew it we were pulling up at the restaurant and were walking in. We were sat quickly and had a small intimate booth that was in a way secluded it seemed from everyone else; it really felt like it was just Jake and I. Since it was summer we somehow found the perfect little spot that was outside and the light casting a small glow made it seem even more romantic. The food was delicious, I had chicken parmesan, some salad, and pasta; Jake opted for lasagna and had some salad and bread. For dessert, we shared some chocolate moose thing that was freaking amazing, after our dessert we just sat there looking at the water in the bay.

"This is pretty awesome." Jake said quietly.

"Yeah, it is thank you." I said kissing his cheek before placing my head back on his shoulder.

"So, um I got a surprise for you, well us."


"We are staying the night, here in Seattle. Well, it's like 40 minutes away but it is like a spa hotel. Tomorrow you are getting a massage or we can both get one and we can go on a hike by a waterfall before coming home."

"Jacob Black you never cease to amaze me."

"Well, Nikole Black I'd do anything for you." I sat back gaping at Jake; did he just? He just called me. "Baby are you ok?"

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