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It was almost break, I can't believe how time has flown by, I am majoring in Psychology and journalism; I was doing quite good my lowest grade was a b minus, I went to school basically all day and sometimes Rachel wondered how I managed to go to class all day, and still manage to get all my work done. I was actually already earning some extra credits, especially with her help. I kept in touch with just about everyone back home, I talked to Paul daily as well as Leah Emily and the guys weekly.

Jake had come back 5 weeks ago, just in time for Bella's wedding. Seth told me he showed up but Bella told him she'd be changing soon and he freaked out. Seth was the one who kept me posted on Jacob, he told me everything, how he was doing, acting, etc. I admit at first I was hurt that he had come back for Bella's wedding but I got over it; it didn't surprise me. I was shaken from my thoughts as my phone rung. I glanced at the caller id seeing Sam's name before I picked it up.

"Hey, Sam."

"Nikole." I dropped my pen against my notebook and sat up. His tone was worry and anger.

"What's wrong is everyone ok?"

"Everyone is fine Nikki, I am sorry; I need you to come home."

"What is going on?"

"Bella is pregnant." I felt the world stop, what. Bella was pregnant.

"Is it Jacob's?"

"What! Nikole no. um, it's the leeches."

"How is that possible?"

"Not sure but it is, and there is something else you need to know?"

"What?" I heard some rustling before Paul's gruff voice was on the line.

"Jacob left the pack, Nikole."

"WHAT." I yelled causing Rachel to jump. I looked at her mouthing 'Sorry' she smiled before turning back to her essay. We were planning on going to La Push tomorrow, we had a break coming and she hadn't been to see her dad in a while.

"I'll be there tomorrow," I said getting up and walking outside. "But we have another issue, Jake's sister is going to be with me, she was planning on visiting and just so happens to be my roommate, so someone needs to tell Billy.

"Will do both of you be careful, and Nikole it's your job to keep her safe."

"I know that Sam, um don't be mad at me."

"Oh, god please tell me you didn't phase on campus."

"What, no." I said laughing. "I have been patrolling campus though late at night."

"As long as you're being careful and I don't want you taking on a threat alone."

"Got it, I'll be home in the morning."

"Ok, Paul is going to have a meeting with them tomorrow I want you to go."

"Ok, meeting with whom."

"Jacob, Leah, and Seth."


"Nikki Leah and Seth left with Jake."

"Oh." I got quiet after that, I really didn't know how to respond, Leah had left us too. I mean with her I totally understood, it was a way out from under Sam; it broke her heart always having to see him and Emily together, she may understand he had no control over what happened but it still hurt her and she knew it bothered him and the guys that she feels the way she does. Leah leaving made sense, it was no longer torture for her or the guys; I personally never minded her or her thoughts because she had every right to act and feel the way she did, I think I understood from everything that had gone on between Jacob and me.

"Ok, see you tomorrow and good luck on your midterm."

"Thanks, Sam."

"So who were you on the phone with?"

"Oh, my brother and one of our friends Sam. Ready for the trip?"

"Yeah I am, I kind of miss home it just bothers me being there."

"Cause of everything with your mom?"

"Yeah." She said softly as she reached for the light.

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