Fairytale Over

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I starred at the spot Nikki had been as I felt my world fall out from under me. I leaned back sitting on my knees as I let the tears out. I didn't care who was around right now, Nikki didn't want to be with me.

Suddenly I wasn't just sad, I was hurt, angry. I stood up turning and hitting the wall in anger as tears flowed from my eyes.

"Jake calm down." Sam said sternly to me.

"I, I." I stormed out the door phasing and running back to the condo. I was in such anger I just started tossing shit and by the time Sam and Paul came in most of the place was trashed.

"Dude! This is not how to handle this."

"Shut up, if you asked Rachel she'd say yes. I never should have hurt her."

"JACOB! Did you ever stop to think of how she feels; my sister loves you even when you were to blind to see it. She's probably scared."


I heard movement and jerked my head up seeing Leah in front of me. I wiped my eyes turning my face.

"So what's going on?"

"I can't marry him."


"I'm scared, hell we are 18, I'm pregnant. I'm not marrying him because he feels obligated because he knocked me up. It isn't right, I want him to marry me because he wants to, not because I'm knocked up."

"Ok, that's understandable; but did you ever think he asked because he wants to."

"Not really, I mean I'm 7 and a half."

"Nik he asked because he wanted to, it has never crossed his mind since day one about you being pregnant; all he wants is to be with you forever."

"What? What about?"

"He doesn't care, it doesn't matter."

"Oh god, what did I do?" I whispered.

"Here come on, get up." She said holding her hands out to me. I walked back to Sam's only everyone was on the porch looking sad or angry, Paul, Sam, and Jake were not around. Leah led me to the car and got me in as Quil walked up angry.

"Back off Quil." Leah said standing in front of the door.

"Move Leah."

"No, you are not about to jump down her throat."

"She just!"

"She knows, ok! She didn't mean to she was thinking he only asked cause she is pregnant, any female would fucking feel that way." After that, she got in the car and drove me to the house.

As she helped me out of the car and to the house I opened the door and gasped. Our entry table lay broken on the ground and the further I walked into the house the more trashed everything was. Paul sat on the couch picking stuff up as I heard Sam's muffled voice upstairs as a lot of thuds went on. I went to walk up the stairs when an arm reached out and grabbed me. Turning my head I looked into my brother's eyes.

"You shouldn't go up there."

"I have to."

"Nik, can I ask why?"

"I thought he was only asking because I was knocked up."

"So what if he was which he wasn't."

"I don't want him to marry me because he knocked me up, I don't want to force him with me I want him to be with me because he wants to." I said pulling away and going upstairs. I slowly opened the door to Jake and I's bedroom causing Sam to turn his head and Jake to look up.

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